Youve caught a cold. Youd better _______to school.
to go
not go
not to go
【单选题】 He’s [填空]young to go to school
①  only
②  to
③  enough
④  too
【单选题】 The reason I didn’t go to school that day was ____ill.
①  due to
②  that I fell
③  because of falling
④  because I fell
【单选题】 ---Are you going there with them ? ----If you go,__________.
①  I also go
②  so do I
③  so I will
④  so will I
【单选题】 Pierre is Canadian, but he didnt go to school in Canada. He was _____________ in France.
①  educated
②  meant
③  avoided
④  considered
【单选题】 Lucy,who did not even go to grade school, had no ________of a job at the time.
①  interview
②  pressure
③  prospect
④  application
【判断题】 A: Maybe we should go Dutch today. B: We dont need to go there.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 —Guest: Oh, it’s ten o’clock. I’d better go now.—Host: ____.
①  OK. Please walk slowly and take care.
②  Why do you want to go now? Don’t you want to stay?
③  Yeah, it’s really late. Why not immediately?
④  Won’t you stay for another cup of coffee?
【单选题】 She dares to go alone, _____?
①  does she
②  dares she
③  doesn’ t she
④  daren’ t she
【单选题】 Who [填空] to go shopping?
①  want
②  wants
③  wanted
④  is wanting
【单选题】 Can you go to the concert with us this evening?____________
①  No, I already have plans.
②  I’d love to, but I’m busy tonight.
③  No, I really don’t like being with you.
④  I’m ill, so I shouldn’t go out.
【多选题】 目录设计应具备的要点有?(多选)
①  条理清楚、层次鲜明
②  具有节奏与韵律美
③  色彩强烈
④  和封面具有统一变化的关系
【单选题】 以下关于环衬描述正确的是?
①  环衬的目的在于封面和内芯的牢固不脱离
②  环衬设置于版权页之后
③  环衬色彩一般与封面一模一样
④  环衬设置于扉页之后
【单选题】 书籍字行的最佳长度是?
①  20-40mm
②  20-50mm
③  80-105mm
④  130-185mm
【单选题】 关于内文版式,描述错误的是?
①  版心上方空白称天头
②  版心指版面上用于印刷的面积
③  版心下方空白称地脚
④  靠装订线的空白称书口
【单选题】 以下不适合做内文的字体是?
①  宋体
②  黑体
③  楷体
④  行草
【单选题】 以下关于扉页描述正确的是?
①  扉页要有标题和页码
②  扉页上一般印有书名、作者名、出版者名和简练的图案
③  扉页色彩要和封面一模一样
④  扉页设置于目录之后
【判断题】 书法体在美术体的基础上强调自由变形,笔划间追求无穷的变化,具有强烈的艺术感染力和鲜明的民族特色以及独到的个性。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 书竖摆时也要容易识别,在书脊上要标明书名和著作者、出版社名,如果尺寸较宽,也可以加以装饰。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 封面图片既要有引人注目的强烈效果,同时要符合内容的精神实质。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 应用型理论书籍,如工具书,内容丰富,读者面广,适用时间长,封面设计应亲切平和,不宜过于迎合潮流或太个性化。
①  正确
②  错误