Its reported that a new hospital _____________here next year.
would be set up
was going to set up
will be set up
is going to set up
【单选题】 He set up in business ____ his own and was very successful
①  in
②  of
③  on
④  by
【单选题】 We should set up special schools for the ______ people.
①  A.young
②  B.old
③  C.poor
④  D.disabled
【单选题】 Up to now we have ( )the goal we set at the very beginning.
①  assured
②  influenced
③  possessed
④  accomplished
【单选题】 Williams proposal,()at a board meeting last week, was to set up a committee to review the marketing plan.
①  discuss 
②  discussing
③  discussed
④  to be discussed
【单选题】 A new school was _____ up in the village last year.
①  held
②  set
③  sent
④  bought
【单选题】 I am going away. or not she will go is up to her to decide.
①  if
②  which
③  whether
④  that
【单选题】 When the passenger woke up, he found himself ____in a hospital ward.
①  lie
②  lay
③  lying
④  lain
【单选题】 - Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?
①  I’d rather stay here if you don’t mind
②  Sorry, I don’t like neither
③  Certainly, why not?
④  Yes, we like these two places
【单选题】 Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?_________
①  I’d rather stay here if you don’t mind.
②  Sorry, I don’t like neither.
③  Certainly, why not?
④  Yes, we like these two places.
【多选题】 SET协议的目标是()。
①  防止数据被非法用户窃取,保证信息在互联网上的安全传输
②  提供一个开放式的标准,规范协议和消息的格式
③  解决多方认证问题,不但对客户的信用卡认证,还对在线商家认证,实现客户和商家、银行间的互相认证
④  保证上网交易的实时性、是所有的支付过程都是在线的
【单选题】 My sister falls while she is [填空] her bicycle and hurts herself.
①  ride
②  rideing
③  riding
④  rides
【单选题】 He [填空] to us if he arrives.
①  writes
②  has written
③  will write
④  wrote
【单选题】 China has a large population than [填空] in the world.
①  all the countries
②  every country
③  any country
④  any other country
【判断题】 A: Lets go out for a meal next Saturday, OK? B: Why not?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Why not watch more English programmes on TV? B: All right, thank you.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Excuse me, have you got the time? B: Yes, I have.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: How about a cup of tea? B: No, I dont drink.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 There [填空] a meeting tomorrow.
①  will be going to
②  will going to be
③  is going to be
④  will go to be
【单选题】 He [填空] very busy this week, he [填空] free next week.
①  will be,is
②  is,is
③  will be,will be
④  is,will be
【单选题】 What animal do you like [填空]? I like all kinds of animals.
①  better
②  best
③  very
④  well