When father was young, he ______from morning till night.
was made work
was made working
made to work
was made to work
【单选题】 He made a quick _____from his illness.
①  relief
②  recovery
③  survival
④  relaxation
【单选题】 It was the training that he had as a young man ____made him such a good engineer.
①  that
②  has
③  what
④  later
【单选题】 In the past he often made his sister___, but now he is often made __by his sister.
①  to cry; to cry
②  cry
③  to cry; cry
④  cry; to cry
【单选题】 We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _____________office soon.
①  leaves
②  would leave
③  left
④  had left
【单选题】 _____ is it_____ made Peter_____ he is today?
①  What; that; that
②  That; that; what
③  What; what; that
④  What; that; what
【单选题】 20. Only when he had handed in his exam paper ____ he had made several mistakes.
①  he has realized
②  does he realize
③  has he realized
④  did he realize
【单选题】 He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation it got worse.
①  until
②  when
③  before
④  as
【单选题】 Even as _____, he made several wonderful inventions.
①  a stock
②  a representative
③  undergraduate
④  a gulf
【单选题】 The footballer made a (n) _____ gesture, which made the audience’s blood boil.
①  mature
②  offering
③  offensive
④  hesitative
【单选题】 Qipao is made of silk and ( )
①  embrocation
②  embroider
③  embroidery
④  embroidered
【单选题】 杜牧在《江南春》中用“南朝四百八十寺,多少楼台言语中”的诗句描绘南朝寺庙众多的景象,这一时期众多寺庙出现的原因是( )。
①  统治者的大力支持
②  佛教思想的欺骗性
③  寺院势力很大
④  社会环境安定
【单选题】 唐玄宗在位前期,政局稳定,经济发展,社会安定,史称( )。
①  开元之治
②  开皇之治
③  贞观之治
④  文景之治
【单选题】 唐朝由盛转衰的转折点是( )。
①  安史之乱
②  黄巢起义
③  玄武门之变
④  武曌称帝
【单选题】 相对于前朝,元朝的制度创新体现在( )。
①  宰相制度
②  三生六部制度
③  郡县制度
④  行省制度
【单选题】 如果想了解南宋的历史,去哪个城市还能找到相关的历史遗迹( )。
①  南京
②  温州
③  上海
④  杭州
【单选题】 以下科技成就出现的先后顺序正确的是( )。①活字印刷术的发明②纸的发明③司南的发明④指南针传入欧洲⑤雕版印刷术的发明
①  ①②③④⑤
②  ③①②④⑤
③  ③②⑤①④
④  ⑤①②③④
【单选题】 秦朝设丞相,唐朝增加宰相人数,明朝废丞相,清朝设军机处。这些变化反应的实质是( )。
①  中央集权的加强
②  地方权力的增大
③  君主专制的强化
④  丞相制度的改革
【单选题】 郑成功之所以被称为中国历史上的民族英雄,是因为他( )。
①  打败了荷兰殖民者
②  从事反清复明的斗争
③  发展了台湾经济
④  赶跑了葡萄牙殖民者
【单选题】 明清(鸦片战争前)时期,中国在传统农耕文明的轨道上发展到一个新的阶段。下列对这一时期历史阶段特征最恰当的概括式( )。
①  帝国的繁盛
②  帝国的繁盛与近代前夜的危机
③  统一多民族国家空前巩固与发展
④  近代的曙光
【单选题】 李鸿章等人认为通过学习西方技术,可以镇压农民起义,可以抵抗外敌侵略,即“剿发捻,勤远略”。可见洋务运动的根本目的是( )。
①  学习西方制度
②  维护清朝统治
③  镇压太平天国
④  抵抗外敌侵略