Could you tell us _______her aunt will stay here?
how long
【单选题】 12. Could you tell us____ her aunt will stay here?
①  that
②  what
③  how long
④  where
【单选题】 I like the freedom of deciding where ( ) ,what to do and how long to stay.
①  goes
②  be going
③  to go
④  go
【单选题】 Could you please tell us what kind of work _____you have got experience?
①  that
②  for that
③  which
④  in whick
【单选题】 how long can I stay in the mountain ? ( ) you like.
①  As far as
②  As well as
③  As soon as
④  As long as
【单选题】 A: How long have you been here?B: Not for long, only about five minutes. Alice and Monica ______ here with me.
①  have walked
②  had walked
③  were walking
④  walked
【判断题】 —Can you tell us your __recipe___ for happiness and a long life? —Living every day to the full, definitely.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 —How long will you be staying?—_________________.
①  On Oct 20th.
②  At Friday.
③  Four days.
④  In a week.
【简答题】 What does the story about the nurse and the surgeon tell us?
【单选题】 2. Where’s Lily? We are all here _______ her
①  beside
②  about
③  except
④  with
【单选题】 Since you have already come, you _____ stay here for a couple of days.
①  might well
②  might as well
③  might have to
④  might
【多选题】 成人学习演唱幼儿歌曲时需要提高以下几方面的能力( )
①  打开喉咙
②  良好的气息支持
③  混声的用声技巧
④  准确的咬字吐字
【多选题】 以下歌曲中哪些曲式结构为一部曲式的起承转合结构( )
①  《学做解放军
②  十二生肖歌
③  小松树
④  小小的船
【多选题】 以下歌曲中哪些曲式结构为一部曲式的三句式( )
①  摇篮曲(陈蓉词)
②  祝你生日快乐
③  娃哈哈
④  小雪花
【多选题】 在音乐文化中,进行曲是一种较普遍的音乐体裁。它通常有以下特点( )
①  旋律雄劲刚健
②  节奏坚定有力
③  常用2/4、4/4拍子
④  常用3/4、3/8拍子
【判断题】 问候舞的音乐由两段特征鲜明的音乐组成,并通过不同的音色和演奏方式进行重复。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 五线谱的二分休止符为一“小短横”,记写在五线谱第三间,横卧在第三线上。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 音列中每个音均称为“音级”。音级有基本音级和变化音级两种。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 《小弟弟早早起》(木青词;汪玲曲)是一首二拍子的曲子。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 将长短相同或不同的音,按一定的规律组织起来叫做节奏。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 以四分音符为一拍的2/4拍简谱记写中,连续四个八分音符出现时往往把前面两个音符、后面两个音符的减时线分别连起来写,从而使单位拍特征更加明确。
①  正确
②  错误