Authorware7.0中不存在的交互类型是( )。
【单选题】 Authorware7.0中不存在的交互类型是( )。
①  按钮交互
②  热区交互
③  文本交互
④  视频交互
【单选题】 Authorware中,交互图标中,关于热区、热对象响应正确的说法是( )。
①  热区响应必须是经过定义可以响应用户的鼠标点击等操作的圆形区域
②  热对象响应必须是经过定义可以响应用户的鼠标点击等操作的矩形区域
③  热区响应、热对象响应都是可以响应用户操作的规则区域
④  热区响应必须是可以响应用户操作的矩形规则区域,热对象响应可以是响应用户操作的不规则区域或图标对象
【单选题】 交互图标的交互效果有几种( )。
①  10
②  11
③  12
④  13
【单选题】 下列响应方式中,不是Authorware交互图标提供的响应方式是( )
①  按钮图标
②  敲击区响应
③  托动相应
④  强制响应
【判断题】 基于网络的交互具有文本的特性
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 交互支抗是指()
①  用支持力相等的牙齿作交互支持,以达到相互移动的效果,此时支抗力也是矫治力
②  同样大小的力,作用于两组不同的牙齿,使目标牙发生移动,支抗牙少移动/甚至不动
③  用支持力不相等的牙齿作交互支持,大力拉动小力,以达到相互移动的效果
④  同样大小的力,作用上牙和下牙,以达到相互移动的效果
⑤  不确定
【多选题】 人工智能的智能硬件其交互方式出现( )直接交互。
①  语音
②  体感
③  手势
④  眼神
【单选题】 下列哪一项不是多媒体课件的交互类型(  )
①  反应式交互
②  友好交互
③  主动式交互
④  双向交互
【多选题】 班杜拉的交互决定论是指哪几个方面的交互?
①  A.认知
②  B.行为
③  C.环境
④  D.态度
【单选题】 交互性和()。
①  活动性
②  可视性
③  规范化
④  集成性
【单选题】 Which of the following statement is not true about vocabulary?
①  a vocabulary item can be more than one word
②  Vocabulary can not be taught. It must be learned by the individuals
③  Words are best learned in context
④  An English-English dictionary is an important aid for students.
【单选题】 What meaning is referred to if we say the meaning of “dog” is an animal with four legs and a tail, often kept as a pet or trained for work?
①  denotative meaning
②  connotative meaning
③  extended meaning
④  inspired meaning.
【单选题】 What do the following examples indicate? Big, huge; enormous, immense; male, masculine .
①  synonyms
②  antonyms
③  hyponyms
④  collocations.
【单选题】 What is referred to if we say “see a movie, watch a play, look at a picture”?
①  denotative meaning
②  connotative meaning
③  collocations
④  synonyms.
【单选题】 What are two categories of vocabulary?
①  Receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary
②  innate vocabulary and learned vocabulary
③  familiar vocabulary and unfamiliar vocabulary
④  new vocabulary and old vocabulary.
【单选题】 What are two grammar practice activities?
①  Mechanical practice and meaningful practice
②  Volume practice and communicative practice
③  Interest practice and meaningful practice
④  Mechanical practice and success oriented practice.
【单选题】 What are two broad categories of knowledge?
①  Implicit knowledge and explicit knowledge
②  Obvious knowledge and unobvious knowledge
③  Inductive knowledge and deductive knowledge
④  Refereed knowledge and inferred knowledge.
【单选题】 Which of the following steps are typical for the deductive grammar teaching method?
①  Give examples→explain rules→students do practice activities
②  Authentic language data is provided→induces learners to realize grammar rules→apply the new structure to produce sentences (the inductive method)
③  Explicit rules are give to students→Authentic language data is provided→apply the new structure to produce sentences (the guided discovery method)
④  All of the above.
【单选题】 Which of the following statement is not true?
①  Grammatical competence is essential for communication
②  There is a positive role of instruction for grammar learning
③  Grammar teaching can enhance learner proficiency
④  Grammar learning is completely useless for children.
【单选题】 Which of the following is not grammar presentation method?
①  Deductive method
②  Inductive method
③  Guided discovery method
④  Communicative teaching method.