产品的结构体系包括( )。
【单选题】 产品整体概念包含核心产品、______和附加产品等三个层次。
①  内在品质
②  无形产品
③  有形产品
④  产品名称
【单选题】 附加产品即顾客在购买产品时所获得的各种附加服务或利益的总和。( )
【单选题】 ______是指顾客购买核心产品和有形产品时所获得的附加服务和利益。
①  核心产品
②  有形产品
③  附加产品
④  示范产品
【简答题】 产品整体由里向外,包括核心产品、形式产品、[填空]、[填空]和潜在产品五个层次。
【判断题】 式样和包装等,属于实体物品中的附加产品。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 现代产品是一个整体的概念,包括三个层次,即产品核心层,产品价格层和产品附加利益层。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 种子有形产品及附加产品经营策略有优良品观策略、品牌和商标策略、包装策略和_____策略。
①  优质取胜
②  品种多样化
③  填补市场空白
④  优质服务
【单选题】 产品才是产品整体概念的灵魂
①  核心产品
②  形式产品
③  附加产品
④  期望产品
【多选题】 产品整体概念包括()。
①  工业品
②  消费品
③  核心产品
④  形式产品
⑤  附加产品
【判断题】 若产品在核心利益上相同,但附加产品所提供的服务不同,则可能被消费者看成是两种不同的产品,因此也会造成两种截然不同的销售状况。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The city ______ its birth-rate by almost 60% in the past 20 years.
①  cuts
②  has been cut
③  cut
④  has cut
【单选题】 There are many ____ between the young and the old about their dreams.
①  difficult
②  differences
③  different
④  difficulties
【单选题】 Now that we’ve ____, can we come to a decision?
①  thought over
②  thought of
③  thought through
④  thought about
【单选题】 Jack was ill and had to ____ in bed for six days.
①  sleep
②  stay
③  keep
④  lay
【单选题】 This year’s total output value of industry and agriculture will increase ____ 5 percent over last year.
①  to
②  of
③  with
④  by
【单选题】 They are working hard to____ what they have lost.
①  make out for
②  keep up with
③  catch up with
④  make up for
【单选题】 How can he ______ if he is not ______ ?
①  listen; hearing
②  hear; listening
③  be listening; heard
④  be hearing; listened to
【单选题】 This ATM has been out of service for a few days. It should ____ last week.
①  be fixed
②  have fixed
③  fix
④  have been fixed
【单选题】 “Uncle Li used to live in the town, ____ he?”
①  weren’t
②  didn’t
③  wouldn’t
④  hadn’t
【单选题】 At that time, the committee, so far as I know, _______ of three scientists, two professors, and four senior engineers.
①  composed
②  comprised
③  consisted
④  made up