A: Im sorry. Those shoes are not available in your size. B: [填空].
No use saying sorry. Thats a real let down
Im truly grateful for your help
Its just as Ive expected
Thats a pity. Thank you anyway
【判断题】 A: Could I borrow your CD of English songs? B: Im sorry. Its not at hand now.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Im sorry. Robert is not in his office. B: [填空]?
①  Are you sure for that
②  Would you like to leave a message
③  Can you take a message for me
④  Can he phone me
【判断题】 A: Im sorry to disturb you. B: Thats all right.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 —Hi, Tory, can I use your computer for a while this afternoon?—Sorry. __________.
①  Its repaired
②  It has been repaired
③  Its being repaired
④  It had been repaired
【判断题】 A: Im sorry. I didnt mean to disturb you. B: It doesnt matter.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 -Id like to buy that coat. -Im sorry. ___.
①  it sold
②  its selling
③  Its been sold
④  it had been sold
【单选题】 5 -Id like to buy that coat. -Im sorry. ___.
①  it sold
②  its selling
③  Its been sold
④  it had been sold
【单选题】 A: May I use your computer this afternoon? B: Im sorry, but I have to finish typing this term paper today. A: [填空].
①  It doesnt matter
②  Thank you just the same
③  Do as you please
④  Never mind
【单选题】 A: Richard, class begins at 9, and you are late. B: I know, but I missed my bus, Im sorry. B: [填空]. You have to be here on time.
①  Thats no excuse
②  Dont mention it
③  You neednt be
④  No problem
【单选题】 — Oh, Im sorry. But I promise Ill be more careful next time.— _______________________.
①  Its nothing
②  Oh, never mind. It doesnt matter
③  Thank you
④  There are no questions
【单选题】 患者,男,26岁,系统性红斑狼疮病人,面部有较严重的蝶形红斑,且有脱发及糖皮质激素治疗引起的容貌改变,该患者最主要的护理诊断是
①  疼痛
②  活动无耐力
③  自我形象紊乱
④  知识缺乏
⑤  焦虑
【单选题】 某患者既往曾有肾小球肾炎史,因病情稳定而坚持上班工作。近日,在单位体检时发现血压升高,来医院复查,证实为慢性肾小球肾炎急性发作。为迅速而有效地缓解症状,你考虑下列哪项措施最佳
①  卧床休息
②  低盐饮食
③  利尿降压
④  激素疗法
⑤  中医疗法
【单选题】 引起肾盂肾炎的最主要的感染途径是
①  上行感染
②  血行感染
③  下行感染
④  直接感染
⑤  淋巴感染
【单选题】 下列哪项不属于高血压病的并发症
①  肾功能衰竭
②  心绞痛
③  短暂性脑缺血发作
④  下肢动脉供血不足
⑤  视网膜动脉狭窄
【单选题】 系统性红斑狼疮的发病与下列哪项无关
①  遗传因素
②  病毒感染
③  紫外线
④  雌激素
⑤  败血症
【单选题】 肺结核的化学治疗需坚持联合用药的原则,其目的在于
①  延缓或防止耐药性的产生,发挥药物的协同作用
②  提高血药浓度
③  减少药物的副反应
④  减少复发
⑤  减少传染性,保护结核病接触者
【单选题】 缺铁性贫血治疗最重要的是
①  补充铁剂
②  病因治疗
③  脾切除
④  少量输血
⑤  肌肉注射维生素B
【单选题】 区别急性与慢性白血病的主要依据是
①  病程长短
②  发病年龄、性别
③  贫血程度
④  骨髓幼稚白细胞的成熟程度
⑤  血白细胞剧增的程度
【单选题】 心源性呼吸困难最先出现的是
①  急性肺水肿
②  夜间阵发性呼吸困难
③  劳力性呼吸困难
④  心源性哮喘
⑤  端坐呼吸
【单选题】 某男性青年,突然发热,体检除显著贫血貌外,无特殊阳性体征。实验室检查:外周血象全血细胞减少,网织红细胞明显减少;骨髓象提示骨髓增生低下。该病例最可能的诊断是
①  白血病
②  缺铁性贫血
③  再生障碍性贫血
④  巨幼红细胞性贫血
⑤  脾功能亢进