A: This meal is on me. [填空]. B: Thanks, but isnt it my turn to treat you?
Its none of your business
Ill treat you
My pleasure
I invite you
【单选题】 — _________________________— Thanks! Its very kind of you to invite me.
①  How are you?
②  Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
③  Do you like this festival?
④  Would you like something to have?
【判断题】 A: Why didnt you tell me you had a girlfriend? B: Its none of your business.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: How do you find your job? B: My friend recommended it to me.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Would you please help me with my lessons? B: With pleasure.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 —It took me ten years to build up my business, and it almost killed me.—Well, you know what they say. _____.
①  There is no smoke without fire.
②  Practice makes perfect
③  All roads lead to Rome
④  No pains, no gains
【单选题】 A: Do I have the pleasure to buy you a drink? B:[填空].
①  Its your pleasure
②  Its very kind of you
③  Youre too nice to me
④  You spend money again
【单选题】 16. A; John , do you want me to take you to the hospital? B: No, thanks. Ann _____ take me.
①  will
②  is going to
③  may
④  must
【单选题】 A: Can I help you? B: [填空]. Where do I pay my fees?
①  Thank you
②  As you please
③  Yes, you can
④  Yes, please
【单选题】 Thanks, you saved my daughter’s life!____________
①  Oh, I’m afraid I didn’t do well enough.
②  No problem.
③  I’m glad I could help.
④  It’s not necessary for you to say so.
【单选题】 You _____business interfering with my affairs.
①  have none
②  have no
③  have none of the
④  have nothing like
【判断题】 “五证合一、一照一码”实行“一套材料、一表登记、一窗受理”的工作模式。(? ?)
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 普通发票应在有效期内使用,过期应当作废。(? ?)
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 发票领购方式主要包括(? ?)。
①  批量供应
②  验旧购新
③  交旧购新
④  直接领购
【单选题】 纳税人因有特殊困难,不能按期缴纳税款的,经(? ?)批准,可以延期缴纳税款。
①  国家税务总局
②  省级税务局
③  计划单位市级税务局
④  县以上税务局
【单选题】 对已开具的发票存根联和发票登记簿要妥善保管,保存期(? ?)年。保存期满需要经税务机关查验后销毁。
①  1
②  2
③  3
④  5
【单选题】 下列各项中,属于消费税征收范围的是(? ?)。
①  电动汽车
②  共享单车
③  高尔夫车
④  小轿车
【单选题】 下列项目中,不需要办理注销税务登记的是( ??)。
①  纳税人被吊销营业执照
②  纳税人因资不抵债而破产
③  纳税人因经营地点变更而离开原主管税务机关管辖区
④  纳税人变更经营范围
【单选题】 纳税人未按照规定期限缴纳税款的,扣缴义务人未按照规定期限解缴税款的,税务机关除责令限期缴纳外,从滞纳税款之日起,按日加收滞纳税款(? ?)的滞纳金
①  万分之一
②  千分之一
③  万分之五
④  千分之五
【简答题】 I found it important __________ learn.[填空1]
【简答题】 My mom is going __________[填空1]have a picnic tomorrow.