working out
having worked out
having been worked out
to have been worked out
【单选题】 ___ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.
①  Which
②  When
③  What
④  As
【单选题】 ______,the boy worked out the problem quickly.
①  As clever he is
②  Clever as he is
③  He is as clever
④  As he is clever
【单选题】 This ATM has been out of service for a few days. It should ____ last week.
①  be fixed
②  have fixed
③  fix
④  have been fixed
【单选题】 This ATM has been out of service for a few days. It should ____ last week.
①  be fixed
②  have fixed
③  fix
④  have been fixed
【单选题】 You _____ her in her office last Friday, she’s been out of town for two weeks.
①  needn’t have seen
②  must have seen
③  might have seen
④  can’t have seen
【单选题】 Having been asked to speak at the convention __________
①  some notes were prepared for Dr. Smith
②  Smith prepared some notes
③  The convention members were pleased to hear Dr. Smith
④  Some notes were prepared by Dr. Smith
【单选题】 We’ll go out as soon as I’ve ____ the kitchen.
①  sent for
②  cleaned up
③  done with
④  worked out
【单选题】 They _ on the programme for almost one week before I joined them, and now we on it as no good results have come out so far.
①  had been working; are still working
②  had worked; were still working
③  have worked; were still working
④  have worked; are still working
【单选题】 It turned out that the children were not _____for the accident.
①  to blame
②  to be blamed
③  to be blaming
④  to have been blaming
【单选题】 -We’ve worked for a long time, what about stopping to have a rest? -_____________________.
①  A. I like it.
②  A. You are wonderful.
③  A. That’s a good idea.
④  very good
【单选题】 已知某企业4月、5月、6月、7月的平均职工人数分别为:290人、298人、296人和301人。则该企业二季度的平均职工人数应用()计算。
①  首末折半法
②  简单平均法
③  几何平均法
④  加权平均法
【单选题】 某城市进行工业企业未安装设备普查,总体单位是
①  工业企业全部未安装设备
②  工业企业每一台未安装设备
③  每个工业企业的未安装设备
④  每一个工业企业
【判断题】 抽样估计的优良标准有三个: 无偏性、可靠性和一致性。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在抽样推断中,全及指标值是确定的、唯一的,而样本指标值是一个随机变量。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 组中值是根据各组上限和下限计算的平均值,所以它代表了每一组的平均分配次数。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在组距分组时,对于连续型变量,相邻两组的组限
①  必须是重叠的
②  必须是间断的
③  可以是重叠的,也可以是间断的
④  必须取整数
【单选题】 已知各期环比增长速度为2%、5%、8%和7%,则相应的定基增长速度的计算方法为
①  (102%×105%×108%×107%)-100%
②  102%×105%×108%×107%
③  2%×5%×8%×7%
④  (2%×5%×8%×7%)-100%
【单选题】 统计指标按所反映的数量特点不同可以分为数量指标和质量指标两种,其中数量指标的表现形式是
①  绝对数
②  相对数
③  平均数
④  百分数
【判断题】 分析复杂现象总体的数量变动时,若研究的是数量指标的变动,则选择的同度量因素是数量指标。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 时间数列中,各个环比发展速度的连乘积不等于总的定基发展速度。
①  正确
②  错误