All the while he was terrified by the fear _______ he had cancer of the stomach.
【单选题】 My grandfather had suffered from cancer for two years. It was no surprise when I was told that he had _____.
①  passed off
②  passed away
③  passed by
④  passed over
【单选题】 His mother had talked to him for two hours while he was watching TV, but_____.
①  a little did he hear
②  little did he hear
③  little heard he
④  a little heard he
【单选题】 阅读理解:阅读下列短文,回答文后问题,选择最佳答案Robert had just moved into the street and he felt strange that he was not wanted. He knew that perhaps the other boys were trying to get an idea of what kind of a boy he was. This did not help him to make himself less lonely. He was new and he had to be tested. Still, proving himself would not be all that easy. He did not want to run with the boys or get into something against the law to prove that he was strong. No! He must show what he was made of in a more helpful way. That’s when he got the idea.The next day was Saturday. He knew that most of the boys would be down on the playground and choose up sides for the Saturday game. Robert knew he could play well and that just might be enough to prove he was strong, and to make friends with them. He arrived early and did his step exercises. He shot the ball several times and did some other exercises—the most difficult and most wonderful in basketball. Then the boys came. Robert went through what he had done before the game and showed what he could do. No one said a word. The boys just looked at each other and thought about it. In the end, when it was all over, the biggest of the group just smiled and shook his head. Robert knew he had made it.2. Why would it not be easy for Robert to prove himself?
①  Because he was not sure if he was really strong.
②  Because he was new and was not wanted in the street.
③  Because the other boys had found out what kind of a boy he was.
④  Because he must choose the best way to prove himself.
【单选题】 He told me how he had given me shelter and protection without which I __________ of hunger.
①  would be died
②  would die
③  would have died
④  will die
【单选题】 阅读理解:阅读下列短文,回答文后问题,选择最佳答案Robert had just moved into the street and he felt strange that he was not wanted. He knew that perhaps the other boys were trying to get an idea of what kind of a boy he was. This did not help him to make himself less lonely. He was new and he had to be tested. Still, proving himself would not be all that easy. He did not want to run with the boys or get into something against the law to prove that he was strong. No! He must show what he was made of in a more helpful way. That’s when he got the idea.The next day was Saturday. He knew that most of the boys would be down on the playground and choose up sides for the Saturday game. Robert knew he could play well and that just might be enough to prove he was strong, and to make friends with them. He arrived early and did his step exercises. He shot the ball several times and did some other exercises—the most difficult and most wonderful in basketball. Then the boys came. Robert went through what he had done before the game and showed what he could do. No one said a word. The boys just looked at each other and thought about it. In the end, when it was all over, the biggest of the group just smiled and shook his head. Robert knew he had made it.4. What did the biggest of the group mean by shaking his head?
①  He did not want to say anything about what Robert had done.B. He had not thought Robert could play so wonderfully.C. He did not want to make friends with Robert.D. He did not think Robert played basketball well.
②  He had not thought Robert could play so wonderfully.
③  He did not want to make friends with Robert..
④  He did not think Robert played basketball well.
【单选题】 He had a cottage which consists _____ three rooms, a bathroom and kitchen.
①  of
②  with
③  in
④  by
【单选题】 After the student was praised for what he had done, he said:“ I______ even better under harder conditions. ”
①  had done
②  did
③  would have done
④  would do
【单选题】 He gave us a []account of all that you had achieved over there.
①  ready
②  bright
③  colorful
④  glowing
【单选题】 阅读理解:阅读下列短文,回答文后问题,选择最佳答案Robert had just moved into the street and he felt strange that he was not wanted. He knew that perhaps the other boys were trying to get an idea of what kind of a boy he was. This did not help him to make himself less lonely. He was new and he had to be tested. Still, proving himself would not be all that easy. He did not want to run with the boys or get into something against the law to prove that he was strong. No! He must show what he was made of in a more helpful way. That’s when he got the idea.The next day was Saturday. He knew that most of the boys would be down on the playground and choose up sides for the Saturday game. Robert knew he could play well and that just might be enough to prove he was strong, and to make friends with them. He arrived early and did his step exercises. He shot the ball several times and did some other exercises—the most difficult and most wonderful in basketball. Then the boys came. Robert went through what he had done before the game and showed what he could do. No one said a word. The boys just looked at each other and thought about it. In the end, when it was all over, the biggest of the group just smiled and shook his head. Robert knew he had made it.3.When did Robert decide to prove himself by playing basketball?
①  After he had thought about the other two ways mentioned in paragraph one.
②  Long before he moved into the street.
③  When the other boys came down to the playground.
④  As soon as he showed what he was made of in front of the other boys.
【单选题】 阅读理解:阅读下列短文,回答文后问题,选择最佳答案Robert had just moved into the street and he felt strange that he was not wanted. He knew that perhaps the other boys were trying to get an idea of what kind of a boy he was. This did not help him to make himself less lonely. He was new and he had to be tested. Still, proving himself would not be all that easy. He did not want to run with the boys or get into something against the law to prove that he was strong. No! He must show what he was made of in a more helpful way. That’s when he got the idea.The next day was Saturday. He knew that most of the boys would be down on the playground and choose up sides for the Saturday game. Robert knew he could play well and that just might be enough to prove he was strong, and to make friends with them. He arrived early and did his step exercises. He shot the ball several times and did some other exercises—the most difficult and most wonderful in basketball. Then the boys came. Robert went through what he had done before the game and showed what he could do. No one said a word. The boys just looked at each other and thought about it. In the end, when it was all over, the biggest of the group just smiled and shook his head. Robert knew he had made it.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
①  Ways to Prove Oneself.
②  Robert Is Lonely.
③  Just One of the Boys. D.
④  A Saturday Basketball
【单选题】 血小板增多见于
①  再生障碍性贫血
②  急性溶血
③  脾功能亢进
④  药物中毒
⑤  尿毒症
【单选题】 血沉的病理性增快见于
①  各种炎症性疾病
②  组织损伤及坏死
③  恶性肿瘤
④  贫血
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 某成年男性血沉加快则其血沉测定值可能为
①  13mm/h
②  8mm/h
③  15mm/h
④  17mm/h
⑤  5mn/h
【单选题】 多尿是指24小时尿量大于
①  2000ml
②  1000~2000ml
③  1500ml
④  3000ml
⑤  2500ml
【单选题】 冬天小儿的尿液冷却后呈白色浑浊是由于
①  尿酸盐沉积
②  乳糜尿
③  脓尿
④  肾盂肾炎
⑤  泌尿系结石
【单选题】 非肾小球源性血尿见于
①  肾结石
②  肿瘤
③  急性膀胱炎
④  肾结核
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 无尿是指24小时尿量少于
①  200ml
②  250ml
③  300ml
④  100ml
⑤  50ml
【单选题】 尿胆原阳性见于
①  肝细胞性黄疸
②  溶血性黄疸
③  肝细胞性黄疸和溶血性黄疸
④  阻塞性黄疸
⑤  结石性黄疸
【单选题】 以下关于尿液白细胞检测描述正确的是
①  干化学法检测的白细胞包括中性粒细胞和淋巴细胞
②  干化学法白细胞检测阳性,镜检一定阳性
③  白细胞干化学法检测的是粒细胞特异性酯酶
④  泌尿系感染患者,白细胞和亚硝酸盐还原试验均为阳性
⑤  流式尿液分析仪检测结果中上皮细胞增高即为泌尿系统感染,不需要结合白细胞结果进行分析
【单选题】 以下关于管型描述正确的是
①  原尿中只要有蛋白质就可以出现管型
②  正常人尿液中偶见透明管型
③  蜡样管型提示病情好转
④  白细胞管型常出现于急性肾小球肾炎患者尿液中
⑤  红细胞管型常出现于肾实质性感染患者尿液中