【单选题】 大众传播的传播者是
①  受众
②  大众传媒
③  广告客户
④  政府机构
【单选题】 大众传播的困境叙述错误的是( )
①  运营成本飙升,经营收益相对下降
②  参与式报道不断涌现,媒体越来越深地介入社会生活
③  在广告主、媒体、和媒介代理之间的三角博弈中,媒介代理商获得话语权
④  随着网络的兴起和消费环境的变化,新的媒体势力强势崛起
⑤  媒体的企业化经营趋势减速
⑥  传统媒体势力大幅度重组,三种力量相互制衡
【单选题】 传播按方式可以分为大众传播和
①  教育传播
②  经济传播
③  娱乐传播
④  人际传播
【多选题】 大众传播的特征包括
①  由专业化的媒介组织运作
②  运用先进的传播技术和产业化手段
③  以社会一般大众为对象
④  进行的大规模的信息生产和传播活动
【判断题】 大众传播最大的特点是定向传播( )
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 大众传播媒介包括( )
①  广播
②  电视台
③  电影院
④  报纸
【单选题】 人类在什么传播阶段创造出了大众传播媒介
①  口语传播阶段
②  文字传播阶段
③  印刷传播阶段
④  电子传播阶段
【多选题】 大众传播学者拉斯韦尔于1948年提出了著名的大众传播三功能说,即
①  环境监视
②  商业作用
③  联系社会
④  传播文化
【判断题】 与人际传播、组织传播相比,大众传播的信息不再具有保密性。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 针对性强的大众传播媒介是( )。
①  报纸
②  杂志
③  广播
④  电视
【单选题】 Well, that’s to say, every coin has two sides, ________ technology.
①  so is
②  so does
③  so has
④  so did
【单选题】 _________ the regular classes, you can also attend many different seminars and take part in many extracurricular activities.
①  Except for
②  Including
③  Apart from
④  Included
【单选题】 —How long have you been graduated from your college?— .
①  Yes, I’ve been graduated
②  I’ve been graduated for five years
③  I graduated from my college last year
④  I graduat from my college last year
【单选题】 The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives, and requires us to learn ___________ every day just to stay current in the workplace.
①  something new
②  new something
③  everything
④  anything
【单选题】 I have _________ some courses and software to my Smartphone, and I find they are very interesting and easy to use.
①  uploaded
②  downloaded
③  copied
④  copy
【单选题】 Mr. Wang, _________, is coming up to us.
①  slowly
②  our new teacher
③  he is our new teacher
④  slow
【单选题】 — I often feel lonely when I engage in my online learning. ________?— I join the online course community.
①  How do you solve this problem
②  How do you think about it
③  How often do you engage in online learning
④  When do you engage in online learning
【单选题】 —Where is John? I couldn’t find him.— .
①  He is very busy
②  I suppose he could have gone to the meeting room
③  I couldn’t agree more
④  He is good.
【单选题】 —The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives, and requires us to learn something new every day.— I have chosen the online program at OU.
①  Because
②  Now that
③  That is the reason why
④  For
【单选题】 But the Internet can bring some ________ effects, too. The most common one, some teenagers are addicted to computer games on the Internet.
①  negative
②  positive
③  important
④  excite