The essential difference between grammar and lexicology is that the former deals with_______of words and the latter with _______ of words.
meanings; forms and structures
forms and structures; meanings
forms; structures and meanings
meanings and forms; structures
【判断题】 Homophones are two or more words that sound alike, but look different and have different meanings, such as “sea”and “see”.
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 什么是WBS(work breakdown structures)?
【单选题】 Lexicology, a branch of linguistics, deals with_______of words.
①  the nature
②  the history
③  the meaning and use
④  all of the above
【单选题】 That probably explains why public opinion is broadly __________ euthanasia (安乐死), or at least certain forms of it.
①  in relation to
②  in contrast to
③  in excess of
④  in favor of
【单选题】 In a/an _______, words are grouped according to meaning. For example, all words that are related to the emotions.
①  thesaurus
②  dictionary
③  grammar book
④  article on morphology
【单选题】 ______ semantics is the interface between lexicology and semantics. It is the most significant part of lexicology and is also the most robust in semantics.
①  sentence
②  lexical
③  discourse
④  general
【单选题】 A large part of a person’s memory is ____ words and combination of words.
①  by means of
②  in terms of
③  in connection with
④  by way of
【单选题】 A large part of a person’s memory is _____words and combination of words.
①  by means of
②  in terms of
③  in connection with
④  by way of
【单选题】 ________ words in the English language refer to words of Anglo-Saxon origin.
①  Loan
②  Content
③  Function
④  Native
【单选题】 All of us think it difficult to ____ the difference between the two things.
①  talk
②  speak
③  lecture
④  tell
【单选题】 望远镜视准轴指( )。
①  物镜光心与目镜光心的连线
②  物镜光心与十字丝交点的连线
③  目镜光心与十字丝交点的连线
④  物镜光心、目镜光心与十字丝交点的连线
【单选题】 经伟仪对中的目的是( )。
①  使仪器中心与测站点位于同一铅垂线上
②  使望远镜对准目标
③  使水平度盘读数为0
④  使竖直度盘读数为0
【单选题】 用测回法测水平角,各测回间改变度盘起始位置是为了消除( )误差。
①  视准轴
②  横轴
③  指标差
④  度盘刻划不均匀误差
【单选题】 消除视差的方法是( )使十字丝和目标影像清晰。
①  转动物镜对光螺旋
②  转动目镜对光螺旋
③  反复交替调节目镜及物镜对光螺旋
④  调节微动螺旋
【单选题】 钢尺量距时,量得倾斜距离为123.456米,直线两端高差为1.987米,则高差改正数为( )m。
①  -0.016
②  0.016
③  -0.032
④  1.987
【单选题】 普通水准测量中,在水准尺上每个读数应读( )位数。
①  5
②  3
③  2
④  4
【单选题】 在进行水准测量时,由A点向B点进行测量,测得AB两点之间的高差为0.698m,且B点水准尺的读数为2.376m,则A点水准尺的读数为( ) m。
①  1.678
②  3.074
③  0.698
④  2.376
【单选题】 经纬仪视准轴误差是指( )。
①  照准部水准管轴不垂直于竖轴的误差
②  十字丝竖丝不垂直于横轴的误差
③  横轴不垂直于竖轴的误差
④  视准轴不垂直于横轴的误差
【单选题】 设AB距离为200.23m,方位角为121°23′36″,则AB的x坐标增量为( )m。
①  -170.92
②  170.92
③  104.30
④  -104.30
【单选题】 在水准测量中转点的作用是传递( )。
①  方向
②  高程
③  距离
④  水平角