Which of the following types of lexicology refers to the description of the vocabulary of a given language?
General lexicology
Special lexicology
Historical lexicology
Descriptive lexicology
【判断题】 Two more newly emerged disciplines that are related to lexicology are computational lexicology and phraseology.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 In language studies, linguists may investigate the history and stages of language change in a course of time. This is called _______ approach.It is historical lexicology.
①  synchronic
②  descriptive
③  diachronic
④  general
【单选题】 ______ semantics is the interface between lexicology and semantics. It is the most significant part of lexicology and is also the most robust in semantics.
①  sentence
②  lexical
③  discourse
④  general
【单选题】 Lexicology, a branch of linguistics, deals with_______of words.
①  the nature
②  the history
③  the meaning and use
④  all of the above
【判断题】 As an individual branch of linguistics, lexicology has nothing to do with other branches of linguistics.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The essential difference between grammar and lexicology is that the former deals with_______of words and the latter with _______ of words.
①  meanings; forms and structures
②  forms and structures; meanings
③  forms; structures and meanings
④  meanings and forms; structures
【单选题】 Which of the following statement is not true about vocabulary?
①  a vocabulary item can be more than one word
②  Vocabulary can not be taught. It must be learned by the individuals
③  Words are best learned in context
④  An English-English dictionary is an important aid for students.
【单选题】 Which of the following is NOT right about Mark Twains style of language?
①  His sentence structures are long, ungrammatical and difficult to read.
②  His words are colloquial, concrete and direct in effect.
③  His humor is remarkable and characterized by puns, straight-faced exaggeration, repetition and anti-climax.
④  His style of language had exerted rather deep influence on the contemporary writers.
【单选题】 Historical linguistics reveals that the English vocabulary sprang from three major root sources:_______.
①  Italian, Latin, Greek
②  French, Germanic, Greek
③  Germanic, Latin, Greek
④  Germanic, Italian, French
【判断题】 Although a society is changing , the vocabulary in a language is always stable, and is never changing.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 戊戌变法运动期间,维新派认为“中国所以不可为者,由于上权太重,民权尽失”,而“立国会、立宪法”则是西方国家富强的原因所在。顽固派则称“自有祖宗遗制,岂容轻改?”“治天下者,大权不可以旁落,况移于民乎?”。这说明维新派和顽固派就( )展开论战。
①  要不要兴民权,实行君主立宪
②  要不要提倡西学,改革教育制度
③  要不要兴民权,实行民主共和
④  要不要废除封建土地制度
【多选题】 19世纪60年代至90年代中国的洋务派创办的企业具有( )。
①  封建性
②  垄断性
③  腐朽性
④  买办性
【多选题】 下列人物,属于洋务派的有( )。
①  奕
②  李鸿章
③  曾国藩
④  张之洞
【判断题】 洋务运动的发端可以追溯到19世纪40年代初。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 光绪皇帝对戊戌维新运动持反对态度。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 洋务派是对清朝统治阶级中具有洋务思想和洋务实践活动的一派人物的称谓。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 百日维新中,光绪皇帝采纳了维新派提出的开议会、实行君主立宪等政治主张。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 发动太平天国农民起义的宗教组织是( )。
①  白莲教
②  基督教
③  拜上帝教
④  天地会
【单选题】 对洋务派兴办洋务事业的指导思想最先作出比较完整表述的是( )。
①  冯桂芬
②  李鸿章
③  曾国藩
④  奕昕
【判断题】 洋务派倡导洋务运动的根本目的是抵抗外国侵略。
①  正确
②  错误