Audience is the only factor that a speaker/writer needs to consider when making a choice of words.
【单选题】 When making a choice of words, a speaker/writer needs to consider the following major factors EXCEPT_______.
①  audience
②  length of speech
③  purpose
④  formal and informal English
【单选题】 When making a choice of words, speaker/writer needs to consider the following major factors EXCEPT_______.
①  audience
②  length of speech
③  purpose
④  formal and informal English
【单选题】 13. Unfortunately, when I dropped in, Doctor Li _____ for Beijing to join in the fight again SARS, so we only had time for a few words.
①  justleft
②  hasjustleft
③  isjustleaving
④  wasjustleaving
【单选题】 The speaker, _______ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience.
①  having known
②  being known
③  knowing
④  known
【单选题】 A good public speaker can _______ the audience (听众)at the very beginning.
①  convey
②  portray
③  exaggerate
④  hook
【单选题】 A large part of a person’s memory is ____ words and combination of words.
①  by means of
②  in terms of
③  in connection with
④  by way of
【单选题】 A large part of a person’s memory is _____words and combination of words.
①  by means of
②  in terms of
③  in connection with
④  by way of
【单选题】 ____ to speak when the audience interrupted him.
①  Hardly had he begun
②  No sooner had he begun
③  Not until began
④  Scarcely did he begin
【单选题】 Lexicology, a branch of linguistics, deals with_______of words.
①  the nature
②  the history
③  the meaning and use
④  all of the above
【单选题】 The essential difference between grammar and lexicology is that the former deals with_______of words and the latter with _______ of words.
①  meanings; forms and structures
②  forms and structures; meanings
③  forms; structures and meanings
④  meanings and forms; structures
【多选题】 某甲购买一辆车行驶中刹车失灵翻车受伤。他可要求谁承担何种责任?
①  请求商家承担违约责任
②  请求厂家同时承担违约责任和侵权责任
③  请求厂家承担侵权责任
④  请求厂家承担侵权责任同时请求商家承担违约责任
⑤  请求商家承担缔约过失责任
【单选题】 经济法是由
①  经济法律组成的
②  经济法规组成的
③  经济规章组成的
④  经济法律规范组成的
【单选题】 消费者最基本的权利是
①  知悉权
②  保障安全权
③  自主选择权
④  维护尊严权
【多选题】 违反经济法的法律责任分为( )。
①  民事责任
②  行政责任
③  刑事责任
④  经济责任
【多选题】 根据会计法律制度的规定下列各项中属于会计账簿类型的有
①  备查账簿
②  日记账
③  明细账
④  总账
【多选题】 某商场销售皮衣慌称自己的销售价是“跳楼价”。下列表述中正确的是( )。
①  该商场违反了《反不正当竞争法》关于禁止低价倾销的规定
②  该商场违反了《消费者权益保护法》关于禁止欺诈经营的规定
③  该商场违反了《反不正当竞争法》关于作引人误解虚假宣传的规定
④  该商场违反了《民法通则》规定的诚实信用原则
【多选题】 使用未注册商标冒充注册商标的地方工商行政管理部门可采取的处罚措施有( )。
①  限期改正
②  制止不法行为
③  警告
④  通报
⑤  罚款
【单选题】 下列情形中当事人不能申请行政复议的是
①  甲公司不服市环保局对其作出的罚款决定
②  王某不服所任职的市教育局对其作出的降级
③  赵某不服市公安局对其作出的行政拘留决定
④  乙公司不服市工商局对其作出的责令停产停业决定
【多选题】 甲将私房出租给乙租期2年租期内甲又将该房卖给丙。对此行为正确的说法是:
①  甲将该房卖给丙的行为无效因未取得乙的同意
②  甲应当提前3月通知乙
③  乙在同等的条件下有优先购买权
④  如果乙行使优先购买权则甲应向丙承担违约责任
⑤  丙购房后可终止甲与乙签订的租房合同
【多选题】 甲与乙订立了一份租赁合同。合同规定如果甲父死亡则甲将房屋租与乙居住。这一合同性质应如何认定?( )
①  既未成立也未生效
②  已成立但未生效
③  是附条件的合同
④  是附期限的合同