When you go to the doctor he asks you to describe your ____ so that he can make a diagnosis (诊断).
【单选题】 When you make a self-introduction, you can tell what you do for a ______________.
①  job
②  life
③  living
④  taste
【单选题】 He has left his book here on___, so that you can read it.
①  purpose
②  intention
③  aim
④  meaning
【单选题】 25.If you explained the situation to your lawyer, he ______ able to advise you much better than I can.
①  will be
②  was
③  would be
④  were
【单选题】 When you read about your destination, you will learn more about the world and get ideas for places to visit and things to see. By ( ) prices and offers , you can also make your travel budget last longer.
①  compare
②  compatible
③  comparable
④  comparing
【单选题】 Could you make an appointment with Doctor Wilson for me?____________
①  I cannot do it for you.
②  Im afraid all the appointments are filled.
③  You can have it.
④  Can I help you?
【单选题】 When he was a boy, he used to go there and watch ____.
①  to repair bicycles
②  bicycles to be repaired
③  bicycles being repaired
④  repairing bicycles
【单选题】 If you follow these steps below, youll know what is worth seeing and doing, so that you can ( ) your time at the museum.
①  make a plan for
②  make ends meet
③  make sure of
④  make the most of
【单选题】 When he was a boy,he used to go there and watch________.
①  to repair bicycles
②  bicycles to be repaired
③  bicycles being repaired
④  repairing bicycles
【单选题】 Can you go to the concert with us this evening?____________
①  No, I already have plans.
②  I’d love to, but I’m busy tonight.
③  No, I really don’t like being with you.
④  I’m ill, so I shouldn’t go out.
【单选题】 You can not see the doctor ____ you have made an appointment with him.?
①  except ?
②  even ?
③  unless ?
④  however?
【多选题】 我国水仙的主要产地有:
①  福建漳州
②  上海崇明
③  浙江舟山
④  甘肃兰州
【多选题】 菊花按自然花期分类有:
①  春菊
②  夏菊
③  秋菊
④  寒菊
【单选题】 变叶木对光照要求不高
①  T
②  F
【单选题】 芍药是木本花卉。
①  T
②  F
【单选题】 樱花是蔷薇科落叶乔木。
①  T
②  F
【单选题】 卡特兰素有洋兰之王的美誉。
①  T
②  F
【单选题】 兜兰又称拖鞋兰
①  T
②  F
【多选题】 月季花的繁殖方法有:
①  扦插
②  嫁接
③  播种
④  组织培养
【多选题】 菊花嫁接的常用砧木有:
①  黄蒿
②  青蒿
③  白蒿
④  月季花
【单选题】 花坛不属于规则式的园林应用形式。
①  T
②  F