【单选题】 索福克勒斯的代表作是?
①  《荷马史诗》
②  《普罗米修斯》
③  《俄狄浦斯王》
④  《美狄亚》
【多选题】 下列属于索福克勒斯的作品有?
①  《俄底浦斯王》
②  《美狄亚》
③  《安德洛玛克》
④  《波斯人》
⑤  《安提戈涅》
【单选题】 下列作品中,( )不是索福克勒斯的悲剧作品。
①  《俄底浦斯王》
②  《挨阿斯》
③  《俄瑞斯忒亚》
【判断题】 《美狄亚》是索福克勒斯的代表作。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列戏剧作品是由索福克勒斯创作的是( )
①  《被缚的普罗米修斯》
②  《俄狄浦斯王》
③  《美狄亚》
④  《阿伽门农》
【判断题】 在《俄狄浦斯王》中,作者索福克勒斯对命运的合理性提出了怀疑。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在《俄狄浦斯王》中,作者索福克勒斯歌颂了俄狄浦斯的坚强意志和对国家的责任感。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 《俄狄浦斯王》最索福克勒斯的剧作中最具震撼力的一部。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 忒斯庇斯为“悲剧之父”。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 马尔克斯的主要作品有
①  《百年孤独》
②  《家长的没落》
③  《霍乱时期的爱情》
④  《迷宫里的将军》
【单选题】 7. This pencil is ____than that one.
①  longest
②  long
③  longer
④  as long
【单选题】 16. The jacket was so ____ that he decided to buy it.
①  much
②  little
③  expensive
④  cheap
【单选题】 17. Our classroom is ____ larger than theirs.
①  more
②  quite
③  very
④  much
【单选题】 19. Your room is ____ mine.
①  twice as large
②  twice the size of
③  bigger twice than
④  as twice large as
【单选题】 4. I think the story is not so ____as that one.
①  interesting
②  interested
③  more interesting
④  most interesting
【单选题】 3.This book is ____that one, but ____than that one.
①  as difficult as; expensive
②  as more difficult as; more expensive
③  as difficult as; more expensive
④  more difficult as; as expensive
【单选题】 8. My mother is no ____young.
①  shorter
②  longer
③  little
④  few
【单选题】 20. Your room is ____ than mine.
①  three time big
②  three times big
③  three times bigger
④  bigger three times
【单选题】 18. The earth is about ____ as the moon.
①  as fifty time big
②  fifty times as big
③  as big fifty times
④  fifty as times big
【单选题】 15.–What’s your brother like? –He is____.
①  a driver
②  very tall
③  my friend
④  at school