【判断题】 条件覆盖一定比判定覆盖更强
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 判定覆盖不一定包含条件覆盖,条件覆盖也不一定包含判定覆盖。
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 使判定表达式中每个条件都取到各种个能的结果的覆盖是[填空]。
【单选题】 路径覆盖等,其中()是最强的覆盖准则。
①  语句覆盖
②  条件覆盖
③  判定覆盖
④  路径覆盖
【单选题】 在白盒测试中,边覆盖和下面哪个逻辑覆盖等价
①  语句覆盖
②  判定覆盖
③  条件覆盖
④  条件组合覆盖
【单选题】 在白盒测试中,点覆盖和下面哪个逻辑覆盖等价
①  语句覆盖
②  判定覆盖
③  条件覆盖
④  条件组合覆盖
【单选题】 下面关于覆盖的描述,错误的是() 。
①  覆盖包括方法的覆盖和成员变量的覆盖
②  成员方法的覆盖是多态的一种表现形式
③  子类可以调用父类中被覆盖的方法
④  任何方法都可以被覆盖
【判断题】 政府补助通常附有一定的条件,即便满足条件也不一定能取得政府补助。(  )
【多选题】 婚姻总是受到一定的条件限制,主要包括
①  血缘关系
②  民族
③  宗教信仰
④  阶级
⑤  身体
【多选题】 有效的现场控制,需要具备一定的条件 , 如( )。
①  较高素质的管理者
②  下属人员的积极参与和配合
③  很强的预测能力
④  适当的授权
【单选题】 If I ___ you, I’d join the army.
①  am
②  was
③  were
④  would be
【单选题】 If he ___ tomorrow, he would find Mr. Wang in the office.
①  comes
②  will come
③  should come
④  come
【单选题】 If he had worked harder, he ___.
①  would succeed
②  had succeeded
③  should succeed
④  would have succeeded
【单选题】 The most important ___ of his speech was that we should all work whole-heartedly for the people.
①  element
②  sport
③  chance
④  point
【单选题】 Supposing the weather ___ bad, where would you go?
①  is
②  will be
③  were
④  be
【单选题】 We wont know whether it will be successful. We wont know whether there will be good ___.
①  ends
②  results
③  effects
④  causes
【单选题】 It has always been the ___ of our firm to encourage workers to take part in social activities.
①  plan
②  campaign
③  procedure
④  policy
【单选题】 He has left his book here on___, so that you can read it.
①  purpose
②  intention
③  aim
④  meaning
【单选题】 If I ___ it, I would do it in a different way.
①  were to do
②  do
③  had done
④  was to do
【单选题】 If he ___ he ___ that food.
①  was warned; would not take
②  had been warned; would not have taken
③  would be warned; had not taken
④  would have been warned; had not taken