___ is reported in the newspaper, talks between the two countries are making progress.
【单选题】 Ia toast to the friendship between the peoples of the two countries.
①  compose
②  impose
③  propose
④  oppose
【单选题】 The world is trying every means to _____the friendship between the two countries.
①  raise
②  promote
③  arise
④  protest
【单选题】 The exchange of goodwill mission greatly ______ a better understanding between the two countries.
①  carries out
②  brings around
③  breaks out
④  contributes to
【单选题】 The bank is reported in the local newspaper ____ in broad daylight yesterday.
①  to be robbed
②  robbed
③  to have been robbed
④  having been robbed
【单选题】 What are not good rules to follow for making instructions effective?
①  Use simple instructions and make them suit the comprehension level of the students
②  Use the mother tongue only when it is necessary
③  Use body language to assist understanding
④  Not model the task or activity before letting students move into groups or pairs .
【单选题】 What are two categories of vocabulary?
①  Receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary
②  innate vocabulary and learned vocabulary
③  familiar vocabulary and unfamiliar vocabulary
④  new vocabulary and old vocabulary.
【单选题】 Initiative and spirit of ( ) are two key elements that ensure the rapid but steady progress of the corporation.
①  success
②  forgiveness
③  stealing
④  innovation
【单选题】 There isnt any difference between the two. I really dont know ____.
①  where to choose
②  which to choose
③  to choose what
④  to choose which
【单选题】 There isnt any difference between the two. I really dont know _________.
①  where to choose
②  which to choose
③  to choose what
④  to choose which
【单选题】 What are two broad categories of knowledge?
①  Implicit knowledge and explicit knowledge
②  Obvious knowledge and unobvious knowledge
③  Inductive knowledge and deductive knowledge
④  Refereed knowledge and inferred knowledge.
【单选题】 藻井式天棚面积应该()。
①  不计算
②  另行计算
③  不展开计算
④  合并计算
【单选题】 填土方厚度在()以内及找平
①  ±30cm
②  ±25cm
③  ±20cm
④  ±35cm
【单选题】 内墙面抹灰工程量中不扣除()所占面积。
①  墙裙
②  踢脚线
③  门窗洞口
④  空圈
【单选题】 关于计算土方放坡深度时,下列说法错误是()
①  垫层厚度小于100mm时,即从垫层上面开始放坡
②  垫层厚度小于200mm时,即从垫层上面开始放坡
③  垫层厚度大于200mm时,放坡深度应计算基础垫层的厚度从垫层下面开始放坡
④  垫层厚度大于100mm时,放坡深度应计算基础垫层的厚度从垫层下面开始放坡
【单选题】 地面垫层按()乘以设计厚度,以立方米计算。
①  室内主墙间净面积
②  室内主轴线间面积
③  外墙中心线间面积
④  外墙间净面积
【单选题】 现浇混凝土梁模板怎样计算()
①  按梁底面展开宽度乘以长度按平方米计算
②  按梁两侧面展开宽度乘以长度按平方米计算
③  按梁三面展开宽度乘以梁长度以平方米计算
④  按梁三面展开宽度乘以梁长度以立方米计算
【单选题】 我国现行建筑安装工程费用项目组成的规定,下列有关费用的表述中不正确的是()
①  人工费是指支付给直接从事建筑安装工程施工作业的生产工人和附属生产单位工人的各项费用
②  材料费中的材料单价由材料原价、材料运杂费、材料损耗费、采购及保管费五项组成
③  材料费包含构成或计划构成永久工程一部分的工程设备费
④  施工机具使用费包含仪器仪表使用费
【单选题】 下列说法错误的是()
①  现浇混凝土梁模板按三面展开宽度×梁长计算
②  现浇混凝土梁模板按底面周长×梁长计算
③  梁与梁相交时次梁梁头所占面积不扣除
④  梁与板连接时,梁侧壁模板算至板底
【单选题】 黏土砖砌体的计算厚度是()
①  180
②  115
③  240
④  365
【单选题】 竣工决算的编制单位是()。
①  施工单位
②  监理单位
③  建设单位
④  中介咨询机构