___ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.
【单选题】 -We’ve worked for a long time, what about stopping to have a rest? -_____________________.
①  A. I like it.
②  A. You are wonderful.
③  A. That’s a good idea.
④  very good
【单选题】 -Weve worked for a long time, what about stopping a while to have a rest?-_____________________.
①  I like it.
②  You are wonderful.
③  Thats a good idea.
④  ok
【单选题】 We often get ____ when people cut in line.
①  annoying
②  annoyed
③  to annoy
④  annoy
【单选题】 We often get ____ when people cut in line.
①  annoying
②  annoyed
③  to annoy
④  annoy
【单选题】 We often get _______ when people cut in line.
①  annoying
②  annoyed
③  to annoy
④  annoy
【单选题】 Tommy:Mommy, when will we have dinner? Im starving.Mother:__________ We have to wait for Daddy.
①  OK, honey.
②  Quickly, honey.
③  Soon, honey.
④  All right, honey.
【单选题】 Tommy: Mommy, when will we have dinner? I’m starving.Mother: __________ We have to wait for Daddy.
①  OK, honey.
②  Quickly, honey.
③  Soon, honey.
④  All right, honey.
【单选题】 Tommy: Mommy, when will we have dinner? I’m starving.Mother: __________ We have to wait for Daddy.
①  OK, honey.
②  Quickly, honey.
③  Soon, honey.
④  All right, honey.
【单选题】 We have a single room , double room and ( ). which kind do you prefer?
①  suite
②  suit
③  suits
④  suites
【单选题】 Only in this way ____ out of the plan.
①  you can talk him
②  him can you talk
③  him you can talk
④  can you talk him
【单选题】 肾脏内可分泌肾素的组织结构或细胞是()
①  致密斑
②  球外系膜细胞
③  肾小囊脏层上皮细胞
④  球旁细胞
⑤  近曲小管
【单选题】 下列各项中,能使肾血流量增多的因素是()
①  中毒性休克
②  平均动脉压超过180mmHg
③  静脉注射肾上腺素
④  缺氧
⑤  副交感神经兴奋
【单选题】 肾血流量在肾脏各部分的分布规律是()
①  皮质>外髓质>内髓质
②  皮质<外髓质<内髓质
③  皮质<外髓质>内髓质
④  皮质>外髓质<内髓质
⑤  外髓质<皮质<内髓质
【单选题】 肾小球滤过率的正常值约为()
①  125ml/min
②  175ml/min
③  225ml/min
④  660ml/min
⑤  180L/min
【单选题】 促进肾小球滤过的力量是()
①  肾小球毛细血管血压
②  血浆胶体渗透压
③  血浆晶体渗透压
④  肾小囊内压革
⑤  肾血浆流量
【单选题】 在下列情况下肾小球滤过率增加的是()
①  滤过膜纤维化
②  高血压病晚期
③  慢性肝病
④  前列腺肥大
⑤  滤过膜的有效面积减少
【单选题】 静脉快速输入大量生理盐水引起尿量增多的原因是()
①  平均动脉压升高
②  肾小球毛细血管血压升高
③  血浆胶体渗透压降低
④  水利尿
⑤  抗利尿激素释放减少
【单选题】 在肾小球滤过膜中起机械屏障作用的主要结构是()
①  毛细血管内皮
②  内皮下基膜
③  肾小囊脏层上皮
④  肾小层上皮足突裂隙膜
⑤  肾小囊壁层上皮
【单选题】 肾脏外髓质高渗梯度的形成主要依赖于()
①  近端小管对葡萄糖的重吸收
②  髓袢升支粗段对NaCl的重吸收
③  远曲小管对H<sup>+</sup> 和NH<sub>3</sub> 的分泌
④  集合管对尿素的重吸收
⑤  近曲小管对NH<sub>3</sub> 的吸收
【单选题】 尿液被浓缩和稀释的关键部位是()
①  近端小管
②  髓袢升支粗段
③  远曲小管
④  集合管
⑤  髓袢降支