The hours ___ the children spend in their one-way relationship withtelevision people undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people.
in which
on which
【单选题】 The hours _______ the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people.
①  in which
②  on which
③  when
④  that
【单选题】 A ____ language is one which is still spoken by people in the course of their everyday lives.
①  living
②  live
③  lovely
④  alive
【单选题】 Of the six people in the plane when it crashed, only one _____ . Everyone else died.
①  emerged
②  survived
③  existed
④  escaped
【单选题】 37. 1000 guests were all found ____in the room which only ___800 people.
①  seat;seat
②  hold;hold
③  hold;seat
④  seated;hold
【单选题】 What is the possible solution to bridge the gap between classroom language teaching and real-life language use?
①  Task-based teaching and learning
②  Communicative language teaching
③  Presentation, practice and production
④  Engage
⑤  study
⑥  activate.
【单选题】 Nowadays people spend more time exercising to keep _____.(
①  fitly
②  fitting
③  fit
④  fiitted
【单选题】 Many people complain of the rapid _____ of modern life.
①  rate
②  speed
③  pace
④  growth
【单选题】 Which one of the following drugs is AChE inhibitor ( )
①  PAM-Cl
②  nicotine
③  neostigmine
④  atropine
⑤  pilocarpine
【单选题】 These plastic flowers look so ___ that many people think they are real.
①  beautiful
②  natural
③  artificial
④  similar
【单选题】 These plastic flowers look so ________ that many people think they are real.
①  natural
②  beautiful
③  artificial
④  similar
【单选题】 对于如下说明,语法和语义都正确的赋值是()int c,*s,a[]={1,3,5};
①  c=*s;
②  s[0]=a[0];
③  s=a[1];
④  c=a;
【单选题】 若有说明:int i,j =7,*p =&i,*q=&j;则与i =j;不等价的语句是()。
①  p =q
②  *p =*q
③  *i =*q
④  *p =*j
【单选题】 下列各语句中,能够将变量u、s中最大值赋给变量t的是()。
①  if(us)t=u;t=s
②  t=s;if(us)t=u
③  if(us)t=s;elset=u
④  t=u;if(us)t=s
【单选题】 在计算机中,最适合进行数值加减运算的数值编码是()。
①  原码
②  反码
③  补码
④  移码
【单选题】 逻辑运算符正确的是()
①  +
④  -
【单选题】 当c=0时,在下列选项中能正确将c的值赋给变量a、b的是()
①  c=b=a;
②  (a=c)‖(b=c);
③  (a=c)(b=c);
④  a=c=b;
【单选题】 若有说明:int a[][3]={{1,2,3},{4,5},{6,7}}; 则数组a的第一维的大小为:()
①  2
②  3
③  4
④  无确定值
【单选题】 下面正确的结构体定义格式是()
①  struct结构体名{类型成员变量1;类型成员变量2;.类型成员变量n;};
②  struct结构体名{类型成员变量1;类型成员变量2;.类型成员变量n;}
③  struct{类型成员变量1;类型成员变量2;.类型成员变量n;}结构体名;
④  struct{类型成员变量1;类型成员变量2;.类型成员变量n;}结构体名
【单选题】 下列数的表示中表示八进制数的是()。
①  10B
②  10H
③  10D
④  以上三项都不对
【单选题】 要为字符型变量a赋初值,下列语句中哪一个是正确的()。
①  chara=3;
②  chara=3;
③  chara=%;
④  chara=*;