The manager came over and asked the customer how ___.
did the quarrel came about
the quarrel had come about
had the quarrel come about
had the quarrel come about
【单选题】 22._____in a friendly way, their quarrel came to end.
①  Beingsettled
②  Settled
③  Havingsettled
④  Settling
【单选题】 9. Some of the wheat came from Canada. How about _______?
①  another
②  the others
③  the other
④  the rest
【单选题】 As a realist, Mark Twain concerned particularly about the local character of a region, which came about as “_________”.
①  Naturalism
②  Transcendentalism
③  Local Colorism
④  Both A and C
【单选题】 Most people come to realize that it is about time the government ____ further measures to control the population.
①  must take
②  is taking
③  takes
④  took
【判断题】 As a realist, Mark Twain concerned particularly about the local character of a region, which came about as “Local Colorism”.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Drive _____ until you come to the small town, which lies about 100 kilometers _____ London.
①  north; to the east
②  north; east of
③  to north; east of
④  to north; in the east
【单选题】 People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware ______ he had gone.
①  of where
②  of the place where
③  where
④  the place
【单选题】 People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware____ he had gone.
①  of where
②  of the place where
③  where
④  the place
【单选题】 ____ was evident that Mr. Wang had come back to Shanghai.
①  This
②  He
③  That
④  It
【单选题】 7. --Did______ of your parents come to attend the openingceremony? --_______ of them came.
①  None
②  Neither
③  either; Neither
④  both; None
【单选题】 假膜性炎发展可引起
①  假膜坏死发生穿孔
②  假膜溶解液化形成脓肿
③  假膜脱落形成溃疡
④  细胞增生形成肉芽肿
【单选题】 对挥发酸进行缓冲的最主要系统是
①  碳酸氢盐缓冲系统
②  无机磷酸盐缓冲系统
③  有机磷酸盐缓冲系统
④  血红蛋白缓冲系统
【单选题】 对固定酸进行缓冲的最主要系统是
①  碳酸氢盐缓冲系统
②  磷酸盐缓冲系统
③  血浆蛋白缓冲系统
④  还原血红蛋白缓冲系统
【单选题】 某患者做消化道手术后禁食一周,从静脉输入葡萄糖盐水。此患者最容易发生的电解质紊乱是
①  低血钙
②  低血镁
③  低血磷
④  低血钾
【单选题】 血管壁的玻璃样变性主要见于
①  大型动脉
②  大型静脉
③  毛细血管
④  细动脉
【单选题】 下列不属于浆液性炎病变的是
①  胸膜炎积液
②  感冒引起的鼻黏膜炎
③  肾盂积水   
④  昆虫毒素引起的皮肤水肿
【单选题】 可引起高铁血红蛋白血症的物质是
①  硫酸盐
②  尿素
③  亚硝酸盐
④  肌酐
【单选题】 不属于血液性缺氧的原因是
①  高铁血红蛋白血症
②  煤气中毒
③  支气管痉挛
④  严重贫血
【单选题】 肿瘤恶性程度的高低取决于
①  肿瘤体积的大小
②  肿瘤发生的部位
③  肿瘤的生长速度
④  肿瘤细胞的分化程度
【单选题】 休克早期微循环灌流的特点是
①  少灌少流
②  多灌少流
③  不灌不流
④  少灌多流