The manager came over and asked the customer how ___.
did the quarrel came about
the quarrel had come about
had the quarrel come about
had the quarrel come about
【单选题】 22._____in a friendly way, their quarrel came to end.
①  Beingsettled
②  Settled
③  Havingsettled
④  Settling
【单选题】 9. Some of the wheat came from Canada. How about _______?
①  another
②  the others
③  the other
④  the rest
【单选题】 As a realist, Mark Twain concerned particularly about the local character of a region, which came about as “_________”.
①  Naturalism
②  Transcendentalism
③  Local Colorism
④  Both A and C
【单选题】 Most people come to realize that it is about time the government ____ further measures to control the population.
①  must take
②  is taking
③  takes
④  took
【判断题】 As a realist, Mark Twain concerned particularly about the local character of a region, which came about as “Local Colorism”.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Drive _____ until you come to the small town, which lies about 100 kilometers _____ London.
①  north; to the east
②  north; east of
③  to north; east of
④  to north; in the east
【单选题】 People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware ______ he had gone.
①  of where
②  of the place where
③  where
④  the place
【单选题】 People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware____ he had gone.
①  of where
②  of the place where
③  where
④  the place
【单选题】 ____ was evident that Mr. Wang had come back to Shanghai.
①  This
②  He
③  That
④  It
【单选题】 7. --Did______ of your parents come to attend the openingceremony? --_______ of them came.
①  None
②  Neither
③  either; Neither
④  both; None
【单选题】 心室肌有效不应期的长短主要取决于
①  动作电位0期除极速度
②  阈电位水平的高低
③  动作电位2期的长短
④  动作电位3期的长短
⑤  钠-钾泵的功能
【单选题】 心室肌细胞动作电位平台期的形成主要是由于
①  Ca2+内流、K+外流
②  Ca2+外流、K+内流
③  Na+内流、Cl-外流
④  Na+内流、K+外流
⑤  Ca2+内流、Na+外流
【单选题】 第二心音的产生主要是由于
①  房室瓣开放
②  房室瓣关闭
③  动脉瓣开放
④  动脉瓣关闭
⑤  心室壁振动
【单选题】 下列关于中心静脉压的叙述,错误的是
①  是指胸腔大静脉和右心房的血压
②  心脏射血能力减弱时,中心静脉压较低
③  正常值约为4~12cmH2O(1mmH2O=9.80665Pa)
④  是反映心脏功能的一项指标
⑤  静脉输液大且过快时,中心静脉压升高
【单选题】 心室功能曲线反映下述哪两者的关系?
①  搏功与心率
②  搏功与心输出量
③  搏出量与心率
④  搏功与心室舒张末期压力
⑤  搏出量与心输出量
【单选题】 平时维持交感缩血管纤维紧张性活动的基本中枢位于
①  大脑
②  下丘脑
③  中脑
④  脑桥
⑤  延髓
【单选题】 心室肌的后负荷是指
①  心房压力
②  大动脉血压
③  上、下腔静脉压
④  心室收缩期心室内压
⑤  心室舒张期心室内压
【单选题】 快反应自律细胞是
①  心房肌细胞
②  心室肌细胞
③  浦肯野细胞
④  窦房结起搏细胞
⑤  房室结起搏细胞
【单选题】 真毛细血管交替开放,主要受哪种因素控制?
①  肾上腺素
②  乙酰胆碱
③  组胺
④  局部代谢产物的浓度
⑤  缩血管神经冲动
【单选题】 减压反射的最终效应是
①  降低动脉血压
②  升高动脉血压
③  减弱心血管活动
④  增强心血管活动
⑤  维持动脉血压的相对稳定