___ he does has nothing to do with me.
No matter what
【单选题】 7. Does ________ matter if he cant finish the job on time?
①  this
②  that
③  he
④  it
【单选题】 A: What does your father do? B: [填空].
①  He is cleaning the street
②  He is fifty
③  He is a worker
④  He is all right
【单选题】 I wonder what he does for a ____.
①  life
②  live
③  liveing
④  living
【单选题】 He always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about.
①  novel
②  spoil
③  acceptable
④  additional
【单选题】 Nothing in my life has meant ____ to me as his praise.
①  asmuch
②  more
③  thatmuch
④  asgood
【判断题】 A: What can I do for you, sir? B: Nothing.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 What does the falling intonation on the question “where do you live ?” indicate?
①  I am telling you something you do not know
②  I have not finished yet
③  I am asking a genuine question
④  I know you have told me before.
【判断题】 A: What do you think of these skirts? B: I think nothing.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Sandy could do nothing but _______ to his teacher that he was wrong.
①  admit
②  admitted
③  admitting
④  to admit
【单选题】 What does the falling intonation on the statement “he is moved to Glasgow.” indicate?
①  I am telling you something you do not know
②  I have not finished yet
③  I am asking a genuine question
④  I know you have told me before.
【单选题】 中医学认为人体的主宰是().
①  A.心
②  B.肺
③  C.脾
④  D.肝
【单选题】 药物的“四气”、“五味”是在哪部著作中首次提出的().
①  A.《神农本草经》
②  B.《本草纲目》
③  C.《新修本草》
④  D.《难经》
【单选题】 下列哪部著作提出以解剖方法直接观察人体().
①  A.《伤寒论》
②  B.《金匮要略》
③  C.《黄帝内经》
④  D.《神农本草经》
【单选题】 中医学是发源于哪个国家的传统医学().
①  A.中国
②  B.日本
③  C.印度
④  D.埃及
【单选题】 左肾巨大结石并重度积水,排泄性尿路造影左肾不显影,右肾功能正常,应行()。
①  A.左肾切除术
②  B.左肾窦肾盂切开取石
③  C.左肾实质切开取石术
④  D.左肾部分切除术
【单选题】 肾闭合性损伤的处理是()。
①  A.肾脏引流
②  B.肾脏手术探查
③  C.肾脏裂伤缝合
④  D.严密观察,暂保守治疗
【判断题】 阴阳对立的两个方面的动态平衡是彼此依存的结果().
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 个人社会地位的改变对健康造成的影响也属于整体观念的范畴().
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 中医认识治疗疾病,着眼于辨证而不辨病().
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 精索静脉曲张多发生于左侧,其原因除外左侧精索静脉缺乏瓣膜使静脉血液逆流。
①  正确
②  错误