We wont know whether it will be successful. We wont know whether there will be good ___.
【单选题】 I really do not know whether we can succeed, so do not expect ____.
①  too much of us
②  us too much
③  of us too much
④  us of too much
【单选题】 We wont [填空] free this evening.
①  is
②  are
③  be
④  being
【单选题】 As a freshman, we should get to know campus ( ) as soon as possible and make good use of them.
①  Source
②  sources
③  resource
④  resources
【单选题】 We all know first impression ______ a lot.
①  discounts
②  counts
③  amounts
④  mounts
【单选题】 They know the sport inside out, and we treat them with the respect they ______.
①  deserve
②  inspect
③  encounter
④  undermine
【单选题】 It won’t be long ____ we know each other well.
①  after
②  until
③  when
④  before
【单选题】 As we know, the most important_________ of television companies is profit.
①  interest
②  interests
③  interesting
④  interested
【单选题】 19.We know _____ children learn from playing.
①  the
②  a
③  /
④  each
【单选题】 It is no good ___________ to know what you dont know.
①  pretend
②  to pretend
③  pretending
④  pretends
【单选题】 ____ there is little we can do to modify the weather, we can at least know what kind of weather to expect.
①  Since
②  When
③  While
④  Unless
【单选题】 84.病人意识突然丧失伴下列哪种情况可作出心脏骤停的诊断
①  A.面色苍白
②  B.瞳孔散大
③  C.皮肤紫绀
④  D.大动脉搏动消失
⑤  E.收缩0mmHg
【单选题】 全麻术后,去枕仰卧位头偏向一侧的主要目的是()
①  预防压疮
②  减少头痛
③  预防呕吐物误吸
④  避免坠床
⑤  预防虚脱
【单选题】 压疮瘀血红润期的主要特点是()
①  局部皮肤出现红、肿、热、痛
②  皮下产生硬结
③  局部组织坏死
④  表皮有水泡形成
⑤  浅表组织有脓液流出
【单选题】 52. 患者女性,38岁,扁桃体摘除术后,为防止出血,应放置冰囊于
①  A. 前额
②  B. 腋下
③  C. 腹股沟
④  D. 颈前颌下
⑤  E. 头顶
【单选题】 测量脉搏后再测量呼吸,护士的手仍置于病人脉搏部位的目的是()
①  表示对病人的关心
②  将脉率与呼吸频率对照
③  测量脉搏估计呼吸频率
④  便于看表计时
⑤  转移病人的注意力
【单选题】 65.婴儿接种卡介苗正确的部位及方法
①  A.前臂掌侧下段,皮内注射
②  B.三角肌下缘,皮内注射
③  C.三角肌下缘,皮下注射
④  D.三角肌,肌肉注射
⑤  E.股外侧,皮下注射
【单选题】 88.洗胃液的温度是
①  A.20-24℃
②  B.25-38℃
③  C.39-41℃
④  D.42-45℃
⑤  E.46-48℃
【单选题】 78.下列输液微粒污染的描述哪项不正确
①  A.输液微粒一般肉眼不易观察到
②  B.大的直径可达50-300mm
③  C.输液微粒可来源于输液器
④  D.输液微粒可引起过敏反应
⑤  E.严格无菌操作是预防输液微粒污染的措施之一
【单选题】 适宜测量口腔温度的是()
①  幼儿
②  躁狂者
③  呼吸困难者
④  极度消瘦者
⑤  口鼻手术者
【单选题】 93.病区报告书写顺序是
①  A.新入院的病员→重点护理的病员→离开病区的病员
②  B.重点护理的病员→新入院的病员→离开病区的病员
③  C.离开病区的病员→新入院的病员→重点护理的病员
④  D.重点护理的病员→离开病区的病员→新入院的病员
⑤  E.新入院的病员→离开病区的病员→重点护理的病员