It was for this reason ___ her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village.
【单选题】 Why don’t you travel to New York on vacation?
①  I don’t want to go
②  Excuse me, because I can’t
③  I want to, but I haven’t got enough money
④  Because I’m going to school today
【判断题】 Greenwich Village set the pattern by having intellectuals flock there to pour out their new-found creative strength, to tear down the old world, to flout the morality of their grandfathers and to give all to art, love, and sensation.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The reason why the car was stopped was ____.
①  that the road was slippery
②  due to the slippery road
③  because the road was slippery
④  because of the slippery road
【单选题】 The small mountain village was ____ by the snow for more than one month.
①  cut back
②  cut out
③  cut off
④  cut away
【单选题】 The author was _______ in a small village, as is described in some of his short stories.
①  brought out
②  brought in
③  brought up
④  brought about
【单选题】 I followed her _______ but I still couldnt work out how to use the sewing machine.
①  description
②  introduction
③  instructions
④  comments
【单选题】 The order came ___ the soldiers ___ the small village the next morning.
①  that; had to leave
②  that; should leave
③  /; must leave
④  when; should leave
【单选题】 My uncle bought a new bike for [填空].
①  theirs
②  they
③  me
④  I
【单选题】 The reason _____ he was late for the meeting is _____ his car broke down on the road.
①  why; that
②  why; because
③  that; that
④  for which; because
【判断题】 When did you arrive in new york?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 高压电器有关标准规定,产品的使用环境温度为?()。
①  -40℃至+40℃?
②  在零摄氏度左右
③  不高于+40℃?????
④  高于-40℃?
【单选题】 评价学前儿童健康的标志中要求幼儿( )都能保持良好的姿势。
①  坐行
②  跑步
③  站立
④  坐立行走
【单选题】 儿童运动系统的卫生要求中要加强锻炼,促进( )的发展。
①  肌肉群
②  基本动作
③  动作协调性
④  骨骼
【单选题】 儿童呼吸系统的卫生要求中要保护儿童的( )。
①  胸廓
③  气管
④  声带
【单选题】 合理安排儿童的一日活动是儿童( )系统的卫生要求。
①  心血管
②  运动
③  循环
④  呼吸
【单选题】 儿童神经系统的卫生要求要保证充足的( )。
①  运动
②  营养
③  日照
④  睡眠
【单选题】 学前儿童生长发育包括( )两个方面。
①  身体和心理
②  生理和心理
③  身体和机能
④  生理和机能
【单选题】 健康教育是一种有明确目标或目的的社会教育活动,强调改变人们的( ),以提高生活质量。
①  理念
②  行为
③  观念
④  习惯
【单选题】 ( )年《幼儿园教育指导纲要》规定幼儿园教育内容包括五大领域,其中健康教育就是一个内容。
①  2002
②  2000
③  2003
④  2001
【单选题】 ( )是实施幼儿园健康教育的重要途径。
①  集体学习活动
②  日常生活活动
③  课程学习活动
④  专门的健康教育活动