Its bad ____ for a man to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.
【单选题】 Its bad ________ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.
①  :behavior
②  :action
③  :manner
④  :movement
【判断题】 A: Sir, no smoking here. B: Sure, I don’t smoke.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Supposing the weather ___ bad, where would you go?
①  is
②  will be
③  were
④  be
【单选题】 This is [填空] apple.Its [填空] bad apple.
①  an,a
②  a,the
③  a,an
④  an,the
【单选题】 It is better for you to be _____ about its consequences before you take any action.
①  positive
②  absolute
③  critical
④  favorite
【单选题】 His decision was ____, since he could not see the action from where he was standing.
①  arbitrary
②  ordinary
③  casual
④  accurate
【单选题】 The young man struggled to _______ where he was at the time the murder took place.
①  reduce
②  respond
③  respond
④  recall
【单选题】 The young man struggled to _______ where he was at the time the murder took place.
①  reflect
②  respond
③  resolve
④  recall
【单选题】 You are not [填空] to smoke here.
①  allowing
②  permit
③  allowed
④  allowance
【单选题】 Trees mainly serve man in three important ways: They provide him with wood and other products; they provide him shade; and they help to prevent droughts and floods.Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important.In his eagerness to make money from trees, he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that without them he has lost the best friends he had. And besides, he is usually too careless to plant and look after new trees. So the forests slowly disappear.This does not only mean that man will have fewer trees. The results are even more serious: for where there are trees, their roots break up soil allowing the rain to sink in and also bind(固定) the soil, thus preventing it from being washed away easily;but where there are no trees, the rain falls on hard ground and flows away, causing floods and carrying away the rich top-soil. When the top-soil is gone, nothing remains but worthless desert.Two thousand years ago,a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire.It set up the empire, but, without its trees, its soil became poor and grew weak. When the empire fell to pieces, the home country found itself faced by floods and starvation(饥荒).In many places forests slowly disappear because __________.
①  many trees have been cut down by man
②  new trees are not well looked after
③  man has not paid enough attention to planting trees
④  all the above
【单选题】 ( )认为,任何学科都可以用某种形式教给任何年龄阶段的任何人。
①  布鲁姆
②  布鲁纳
③  杜威
④  赫尔巴特
【单选题】 布卢姆等人的教育目标分类学的三大领域:认知领域、情感领域和( )
①  动作技能
②  态度
③  道德
④  美德
【单选题】 ()是在教育情境中随着教育过程的展开而自然生成的课程与教学目标,它是问题解决的结果,是人的经验生长的内在要求。
①  一般性目标
②  行为目标
③  表现性性目标
④  生成性目标
【单选题】 行为目标具有的特点是具体性、可操作性和( )
①  精确性
②  普遍性
③  规范性
④  模糊性
【单选题】 针对不同的课程内容,我们应当设计不同的课程目标:在培养基础知识、基本技能上则( )较为合适;要培养学生的个性和创造性,则()更佳。
①  行为目标,展开性目标
②  表现性目标,展开性目标
③  行为目标,表现性目标
④  表现性目标,行为目标
【单选题】 ()是教育目的的下位概念,它所体现的是不同性质的教育和不同阶段的教育的价值。
①  培养目标
②  教育目标
③  教育宗旨
④  教育方针
【单选题】 ()克服了普遍性目标取向模糊性的缺点,在课程与教学领域科学化的历程中作出了积极的贡献。也便于教师将其教学内容准确地与教育督导、学生家长、学生展开交流。
①  一般性目标
②  行为目标
③  表现性性目标
④  生成性目标
【单选题】 在上个世纪50、 60 年代,不仅行为主义教学设计理论蓬勃发展,而且在西方国家还产生了一些对教学实践很有影响的教学理论流派,统称为“新教学论”——前苏联教育学家赞科夫的“( )”、美国著名心理学家布鲁纳的“发现教学论”、以德国教学论专家瓦根舍因和克拉夫基为代表的“范例教学论”。
①  主体性教学论
②  发展性教学论
③  自然主义教学论
④  经验主义教学论
【单选题】 赫尔巴特把教学分为明了、联合、( )、方法四个阶段。
①  系统
②  总结
③  审思
④  专心
【单选题】 裴斯泰洛齐第一次提出了“( )”的思想,推动了教学论科学化的进程。
①  教学教育性
②  教学的心理学化
③  科学教育
④  教学理性化