【判断题】 申请延期缴纳税是纳税人的权利
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 在税收法律关系中,纳税人享有的权利和承担的义务不尽相同,下列行为中属于纳税人权利的有( )
①  按期进行纳税申报,按时足额缴纳税款
②  依法进行账簿、凭证管理
③  向税务机关咨询税收法律及纳税程序
④  对税务人员的违法行为进行检举和控告
【单选题】 下列权利不属于绝对权的是
①  人身权
②  物权
③  知识产权
④  债权
【单选题】 下列权利中不属于人格权的是(  )。
①  名誉权
②  荣誉权
③  姓名权
④  肖像权
【单选题】 下列各项权利中不属于形成权的是
①  撤销权
②  解除权
③  追认权
④  债权请求权
【单选题】 根据《税收征收管理法》中延期缴纳税款制度的规定,下列表述中正确是()
①  批准的延期期限内加收滞纳金
②  延期缴纳税款必须经县级税务机关批准
③  延期缴纳的同一笔税款不得滚动审批延
④  延期缴纳税款的期限最长不得超过30天
【单选题】 下列哪项权利不属于隐私权( )
①  个人生活宁静权
②  私人信息保密权
③  个人通讯秘密权
④  继承权
【单选题】 下列哪项权利不属于隐私权
①  个人生活宁静权
②  私人信息保密权
③  个人通讯秘密权
④  继承权
【单选题】 下列权利中不属于用益物权的是()
①  永佃权
②  居住权
③  相邻权
④  土地承包经营权
【单选题】 纳税人因有特殊困难,不能按期缴纳税款的,经(? ?)批准,可以延期缴纳税款。
①  国家税务总局
②  省级税务局
③  计划单位市级税务局
④  县以上税务局
【单选题】 Was it until the1990s ____ the old man finally got a house of his own?
①  when
②  that
③  which
④  how
【单选题】 ____ the math problem is difficult, Ill try very hard to work it out.
①  Though
②  When
③  Before
④  After
【单选题】 When you meet someone who ____ deeply about something, you probably will want to ask them why they do so.?
①  absorbs ?
②  cares ?
③  considers ?
④  minds?
【单选题】 Theory is based on practice and in____ serves practice.
①  turn
②  tone
③  tune
④  practice
【单选题】 When I got there, Henry ____ to the hospital.
①  had been sent
②  would send
③  was sent
④  would be sent
【单选题】 The engineers are going through with their highway project, ____the expenses have risen.
①  even though
②  just because
③  now that
④  as though
【单选题】 A police officer claimed he had attempted to ____ paying his fare.
①  avoid
②  reject
③  refuse
④  neglect
【单选题】 The students were not____ to leave the classroom without an adequate reason.?
①  permitted ?
②  remitted ?
③  admitted ?
④  emitted?
【单选题】 It was a minor illness, and she soon ____ it. ?
①  got over ?
②  got on with ?
③  got around ?
④  got out ?
【单选题】 Our English teacher demanded that we ____ to English broadcast every day.
①  listening
②  would listen
③  listen
④  could listen