【单选题】 规模纳税人发生增值税应税销售行为,合计月销售额未超过(  )万元的,免征增值税。
①  3
②  5
③  7
④  10
【判断题】 农业生产者销售的自产农产品免征增值税。(? ?)
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 农业生产者销售的自产农产品免征增值税。(? ?)
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列选项中免征增值税的有(  )。
①  国家助学贷款利息收入
②  国债利息收入
③  人民银行对金融机构的贷款利息收入
④  销售住房
【判断题】 销售直接免征增值税的货物时,应开具13%税率普通发票。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 增值税小规模纳税人月销售额不超过10万元(含10万元)的免征增值税。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列选项中免征增值税的有(  )。
①  提供社区养老、托育、家政服务取得的收入
②  向家政服务员发放劳动报酬,并对家政服务员进行培训管理
③  通过建立业务管理系统对家政服务员进行登记管理
④  提供交通运输服务
【多选题】 提供社区(  )取得的收入,免征增值税。
①  养老
②  托育
③  有偿维修
④  家政服务
【单选题】 按照规定可以免征增值税的是( )。
①  钢材
②  向社会收购的古旧图书
③  销售粮食
④  图书
【判断题】 随同增值税、消费税而免征的部分也免征教育费附加。( ??)
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 With the old man____ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave.
①  lead
②  to be led
③  leading
④  led
【单选题】 The computer of this kind is ____ handling with all kinds of information.
①  capable to
②  able to
③  capable of
④  able of
【单选题】 People ____ to the speech in different ways: some got angry while others nodded in agreement.
①  responded
②  acted
③  answered
④  replied
【单选题】 23. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely ____ to the outside world.
①  being
②  having lost
③  losing
④  lost
【单选题】 Mike is always losing something. He is a ____boy.
①  careful
②  hopeful
③  careless
④  hopeless
【单选题】 Dont be too ____ about things youre not supposed to know.
①  strange
②  amusing
③  curious
④  conscious
【单选题】 You can take as many as you like because these handouts are free of ____.
①  fare
②  charge
③  money
④  pay
【单选题】 22. One day while Mr. King was working, he had a/an ____: his left leg was badly injured.
①  business
②  accident
③  matter
④  event
【单选题】 This is the military ____, and nobody is allowed to get in without permission. ?
①  bond ?
②  B. zone ?
③  uniform ?
④  zoo ?
【单选题】 I haven’t made any new friends yet and everybody here makes ____ of me.
①  fun
②  smile
③  laugh
④  joy