下列声明数组的语句中,错误的选项是( )(选择一项)
var student =new Array( );
var student =new Array(3);
var student[] =new Array(3) (4);
var student =new Array(rose,mick
【单选题】 下列声明数组的语句中,错误的选项是( )
①  var student =new Array( );
②  var student =new Array(3);
③  var student[] =new Array(3) (4);
④  var student =new Array(rose,mick);
【单选题】 分析下面的JavaScript代码段,输出的结果是()。emp=new Array(5);emp[1]=1;emp[2]=2;document.write(emp.length);(选择一项)
①  2
②  3
③  4
④  5
【多选题】 下列哪个是数组Array类的拷贝方法?
①  Copy(Array,?Array,?Int32)
②  Copy(Array,?Array,?Int64)
③  Copy(Array,?Int32,?Array,?Int32,?Int32)
④  Copy(Array,?Int64,?Array,?Int64,?Int64)
【单选题】 分析下面的JavaScript代码段,输出结果是()。 var mystring=I am a student; a=mystring.charAt(9); document.write(a);
①  I am a st
②  u
③  udent
④  t
【单选题】 设函数int& index(int a,int i)返回数组a中下标为i的元素,如果在整型数组int array[]={1,2,3},在执行index(array,1)+=3后,array中各元素值为()
①  {4,2,3}
②  {1,5,3}
③  {1,2,6}
④  {4,5,6}
【单选题】 已有以下数组定义和f函数调用语句,int a[3][4];f(a);则在f函数的说明中,对形参数组array的错误定义方式为:
①  f(int array[][6]);
②  f(int array[3][]);
③  f(int array[][4]);
④  f(int array[2][5]);
【单选题】 假设今天是2006年4月1日星期六,请问以下javascript代码输出结果是:( )var time = new Date( );document.write(time.getDate( ));(选择一项)
①  2006
②  4
③  1
④  6
【多选题】 以下说法正确的是(  )。#include stdio.hint main(){struct student // 声明结构体类型struct student {int num;char name[20];float score;}student1;
①  student是变量名
②  student是类型名
③  student1是变量名
④  student1类型名
【单选题】 分析下面的JavaScript代码段,输出的结果是()。 emp=new Array(5); emp[1]=1; emp[2]=2; document.write(emp.length);
①  2
②  3
③  4
④  5
【判断题】 SELECT * FROM Student INNER JOINSC ON Student.Sno = SC.Sno语句可将Student与 SC连接起来。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Hi, is Mary there, please?_________
①  Hold on. I’ll get her.
②  No, she isn’t here.
③  Yes, she lives here.
④  Yes, what do you want?
【单选题】 He didn’t pass the final examination. He ______ it.
①  must have prepared for
②  ought to prepare
③  ought to have prepared for
④  ought to prepare to
【单选题】 Andy, ____________ ?Oh, that’s my father! And beside him, my mother.
①  What is the person over there
②  Who’s talking over there
③  What are they doing
④  Which is that
【单选题】 Davids mother was unstable and _______ .
①  windy
②  moody
③  speedy
④  handy
【单选题】 The planes have to _______ strict safety checks.
①  encounter
②  undergo
③  evaluate
④  wonder
【单选题】 _______ Tom ________ Mary can help me, for they are very busy.
①  Either;or
②  Neither;nor
③  Both;and
④  whether;or
【单选题】 it has been revealed that some government leaders _____ their authority and position to getillegal profits for themselves.
①  employ
②  take
③  abuse
④  overlook
【单选题】 In the wife’s eyes, his _____ to their marriage life is far from perfect.
①  requirement
②  commitment
③  participation
④  reflection
【单选题】 I think the private ownership of guns is a _______mistake.
①  wonderful
②  great
③  tragic
④  romantic
【单选题】 America has a lot of _______ weapons now.
①  aggressive
②  expensive
③  passive
④  expressive