【单选题】 《万里长城》中的()是教学构思的超越。
①  读出情感
②  读出意境
③  读出韵味
④  读出画面
【单选题】 “两京锁钥无双地,万里长城第一关”指的是:( )
①  山海关
②  居庸关
③  嘉峪关
④  玉门关
【判断题】 坎儿井与万里长城,京杭大运河并称为中国古代三大工程。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 “中国人民解放军是祖国的万里长城”作为定义,则()
①  犯了“以比喻代定义”的逻辑错误;
②  犯了“定义过窄”的逻辑错误;
③  犯了“定义过宽”的逻辑错误;
④  遵守了各项定义规则,没有逻辑错误。
【单选题】 王崧舟认为课的最高境界是()。
①  无为
②  无解
③  人课分明
④  人课合一
【单选题】 反教案——教学习性的超越是王崧舟教学的哪篇课文。()
①  《长相思》
②  《橘子》
③  《万里长城》
④  《白鹅》
【单选题】 ()一课是王崧舟的成名作,其中将“成千上万”读出画面,是此课的一大亮点。
①  《长相思》
②  《万里长城》
③  《一夜工作》
④  《两小儿辩日》
【单选题】 ()被誉为王崧舟“诗意语文”的转型之作。
①  《万里长城》
②  《灰椋鸟》
③  《长相思》
④  《一夜工作》
【单选题】 要把党的各级组织充分地调动起来,就是要把党的各级组织把方向、谋大局、定政策、()的能力充分地激发出来。
①  为人民
②  办大事
③  定盘星
④  促改革
【判断题】 进入创作初期,我们一定要充分展开幻想的翅膀,使自己的思维活跃起来
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 My cousin Nancy is often in a poisonous mood; I suppose it’s because she is _____child.
①  one
②  a lone
③  a single
④  an only
【单选题】 Their happiness was very _____.
①  crisp
②  brittle
③  delicate
④  fragile
【单选题】 This house will probably come on the _____next month.
①  fair
②  market
③  shop
④  store
【单选题】 The sight of the fruit salad made our daughter Kit’s mouth _____.
①  wet
②  water
③  soak
④  taste
【单选题】 The old lady _____and fell from the top of the stairs to the bottom.
①  slided
②  slipped
③  split
④  spilled
【单选题】 She put an extra blanket over the baby for fear that _____.
①  he catches cold
②  he should catch cold
③  he caught cold
④  he be catching cold
【单选题】 _____ that it was going to rain, he took a raincoat with him.
①  Seeing
②  Saw
③  Seen
④  To see
【单选题】 The disappearance of her paper has never been _____.
①  counted for
②  looked up
③  accounted for
④  checked up
【单选题】 The boy has admitted to _____the window while playing football yesterday.
①  breaking
②  having been broken
③  break
④  be breaking
【单选题】 The millions of circulations involved, _____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done