【多选题】 姜夔的词风特点是()
①  豪放
②  通俗
③  骚雅
④  清空
【多选题】 下列关于姜夔的表述正确的有
①  A. 理论上总结成一部《词论》
②  B.语言句琢字炼,音韵高绝
③  C.章法结构打破时空变化次序
④  D.代表作《暗香》《疏影》最能体现其风格
【单选题】 姜夔,字尧章,号( )。
①  白石道人
②  放翁
③  东坡居士
④  三变
【单选题】 姜夔的《扬州慢(淮左名都)》一词,上阙( ),下阙( ),抒发怀古之思。
①  写景 抒情
②  写实 怀古
③  纪行 志感
④  抒情 怀古
【判断题】 《释名》作者为东汉刘熙。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 《韩熙载夜宴图》的作者是()。
①  黄公望
②  吴道子
③  阎立本
④  顾闳中
【判断题】 中国菜肴的特点可以用色、香、味、形、器、养来概括。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 《韩熙载夜宴图》采用的是全景式空间的构图方法。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 终身教育的特点可以简单用关键词来概括,即
①  人人
②  时时
③  处处
【填空题】 韵母或韵类相同的连绵词叫作[填空1]连绵词。
【单选题】 Which of the following statement is not true about vocabulary?
①  a vocabulary item can be more than one word
②  Vocabulary can not be taught. It must be learned by the individuals
③  Words are best learned in context
④  An English-English dictionary is an important aid for students.
【单选题】 What meaning is referred to if we say the meaning of “dog” is an animal with four legs and a tail, often kept as a pet or trained for work?
①  denotative meaning
②  connotative meaning
③  extended meaning
④  inspired meaning.
【单选题】 What do the following examples indicate? Big, huge; enormous, immense; male, masculine .
①  synonyms
②  antonyms
③  hyponyms
④  collocations.
【单选题】 What is referred to if we say “see a movie, watch a play, look at a picture”?
①  denotative meaning
②  connotative meaning
③  collocations
④  synonyms.
【单选题】 What are two categories of vocabulary?
①  Receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary
②  innate vocabulary and learned vocabulary
③  familiar vocabulary and unfamiliar vocabulary
④  new vocabulary and old vocabulary.
【单选题】 What are two grammar practice activities?
①  Mechanical practice and meaningful practice
②  Volume practice and communicative practice
③  Interest practice and meaningful practice
④  Mechanical practice and success oriented practice.
【单选题】 What are two broad categories of knowledge?
①  Implicit knowledge and explicit knowledge
②  Obvious knowledge and unobvious knowledge
③  Inductive knowledge and deductive knowledge
④  Refereed knowledge and inferred knowledge.
【单选题】 Which of the following steps are typical for the deductive grammar teaching method?
①  Give examples→explain rules→students do practice activities
②  Authentic language data is provided→induces learners to realize grammar rules→apply the new structure to produce sentences (the inductive method)
③  Explicit rules are give to students→Authentic language data is provided→apply the new structure to produce sentences (the guided discovery method)
④  All of the above.
【单选题】 Which of the following statement is not true?
①  Grammatical competence is essential for communication
②  There is a positive role of instruction for grammar learning
③  Grammar teaching can enhance learner proficiency
④  Grammar learning is completely useless for children.
【单选题】 Which of the following is not grammar presentation method?
①  Deductive method
②  Inductive method
③  Guided discovery method
④  Communicative teaching method.