The woman was innocent and the judge insisted that she______at once.
be set free
be setting free;
was set free
set free
【单选题】 The judge insisted that the woman______ innocent and that she______at once.
①  was; be set free
②  be; be set free;
③  be; was set free
④  was; was set free
【单选题】 30. It _____ quite a few years _____ the accused was declared innocent and set free.
①  was;since
②  is;that
③  willbe;when
④  was;before
【单选题】 —She may not be free today.—________, well have to put the meeting off.
①  If may
②  If not
③  If she may not
④  If she may not be free today
【单选题】 15. She had ____ to do, so she was free.
①  something
②  anything
③  everything
④  nothing
【单选题】 A: Will you be free tomorrow evening? B: [填空]
①  No,Ill be busy.
②  What is the matter?
③  Im sorry I wont be free then.
④  No,Ill have no time.
【单选题】 —She may not be free today.—________, well have to put the meeting off.
①  If may
②  If not
③  If she may not
④  If she may
【单选题】 ______, the free luggage allowance is 20 kilos.
①  As a rule
②  As though
③  As if
④  As well
【单选题】 We wont [填空] free this evening.
①  is
②  are
③  be
④  being
【单选题】 I wont be free ________ I finish this work.
①  :after
②  :until
③  :but
④  :when
【单选题】 Free ______ of shampoo is distributed from door to door.
①  sample
②  example
③  product
④  stock
【单选题】 防止药物水解的方法是()
①  避光
②  加入抗氧剂
③  制成干燥的固体
④  驱逐氧气
⑤  加入表面活性剂
【单选题】 下列不属于中药制剂微生物污染途径的是()
①  天气情况
②  包装材料
③  制药设备
④  操作人员
⑤  原药材和辅料
【单选题】 下列叙述不属于散剂特点的是()
①  比表面积大,容易分散
②  口腔和耳鼻喉科多用
③  易吸潮的药物不宜制成散剂
④  不适用于小儿
⑤  对创面有一定的机械性保护作用
【单选题】 除另有规定外,散剂的含水量不得超过()
①  8.0%
②  9.0%
③  10.0%
④  12.0%
⑤  11.0%
【单选题】 散剂按医疗用途可分为( )。
①  单味药散剂与复方散剂
②  分剂量散与不分剂量散
③  吹散与内服散
④  内服散剂和外用散剂
⑤  溶液散与煮散
【单选题】 供制散剂的原料药均应粉碎,除另有规定外,儿科用散剂应为( )。
①  最细粉
②  中粉
③  极细粉
④  细粉
⑤  粗粉
【单选题】 散剂应检查项目是( )。
①  微观均匀度
②  释放度
③  溶散时限
④  可溶性
⑤  相对密度
【单选题】 散剂应检查项目是( )。
①  溶散时限
②  微生物限度
③  乙醇量
④  甲醇量
⑤  相对密度
【单选题】 按浸提过程和成品情况分类,流浸膏属于()
①  其他浸出制剂
②  无菌浸出制剂
③  水浸出制剂
④  醇浸出制剂
⑤  含糖浸出制剂
【单选题】 煎膏剂收膏时加入炼糖或炼蜜,其量应为()
①  清膏量的4倍以下
②  清膏量的3倍以下
③  清膏量的2倍以下
④  清膏量的5倍以下
⑤  清膏量的1倍以下