____________the rainny weather, they would be all right.
Were it not for
It were not for
Not for it
For it were not
【单选题】 Were it not for the rainny weather, they______ all right.
①  would be
②  may be
③  would have been
④  were
【单选题】 The millions of circulations involved, _____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【单选题】 The millions of calculations involved, ____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【单选题】 The millions of circulations involved, _____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【单选题】 We looked for a table to sit down, but they were all ____.
①  reserved for
②  engaged in
③  used up
④  taken up
【单选题】 The students were all entertained in a Mexican restaurant, at Professor Brians ____.
①  money
②  pay
③  expense
④  loss
【多选题】 They all believed that Europeans were_____________ other people.
①  larger than
②  easier than
③  better than
④  superior to
【单选题】 All the apples _____ fell down were eaten by the pigs.
①  those
②  which
③  what
④  that
【单选题】 All the men were under heavy____ working day and night
①  prize
②  rain
③  pressure
④  reward
【单选题】 We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _____________office soon.
①  leaves
②  would leave
③  left
④  had left
【多选题】 主要产品单位产品表反映的单位成本包括
①  本月实际
②  历史先进水平
③  本年计划
④  同行业同类产品实际
⑤  上年实际平均
【单选题】 技术经济指标变动对产品成本的影响,主要表现在影响
①  产品销售成本
②  产品总成本
③  产品单位成本
④  产品生产成本
【单选题】 成本报表是
①  对外报送的会计报表
②  国家统一规定格式的会计报表
③  企业内部使用的会计报表
④  既是对外报表,又是内部报表
【单选题】 在企业生产产品成本中,“直接人工”项目不包括
①  直接参加生产的工人的工资
②  按生产工人工资计提的福利费
③  直接参加生产的工人的计件工资
④  企业行政管理人员工资
【单选题】 下列项目中,应该计入产品成本的停工损失是
①  由于自然灾害引起的非正常停工损失
②  非正常原因发生的停工损失
③  固定资产修理期间的停工损失
④  非季节性停工损失
【单选题】 在分批法下,与产品成本计算期一致的是
①  会计报告期
②  产品生产周期
③  生产计划日期
④  购货定单日期
【单选题】 对可比产品成本降低率不产生影响的因素是
①  产品品种结构
②  产品产量
③  产品单位成本
④  产品总成本
【单选题】 决定成本计算对象的因素是生产特点和
①  成本计算实体
②  成本计算时期
③  成本管理要求
④  成本计算方法
【单选题】 在产品品种结构及单位成本不变的条件下,产量增加
①  成本降低额及成本降低率同时增加
②  成本降低额增加,成本降低率不变
③  成本降低率增加,成本降低额不变
④  成本降低额,成本降低率都不变
【单选题】 采用简化分批法,各产品间分配间接计入费用都是利用
①  累计间接计入费用分配率
②  累计生产工时
③  累计原材料费用分配率
④  间接计入费用分配率