Doctors have said that as many as 50% of patients dont take medicine ______.
like directed
to be directed
as directed
so that directed
【单选题】 Doctors have said that as many as 50% of patients dont take medicine ______.
①  like directed
②  to be directed
③  as directed
④  so that directed
【单选题】 You can take as many as you like because they are free of ____ .?
①  fare ?
②  charge ?
③  money ?
④  pay?
【单选题】 You can take as many as you like because these handouts are free of ____.
①  fare
②  charge
③  money
④  pay
【单选题】 Planning so far ahead _____ no sense -- so many things will have changed by next year.
①  made
②  is making
③  makes
④  has made
【单选题】 [] so many people want to live in cities is because they want to have fun in there.
①  Why
②  That
③  Whether
④  How
【单选题】 I’m very sorry to have ____ you with so many questions on such an occasion.
①  interfered
②  offended
③  impressed
④  bothered
【单选题】 Scientists say it may be five or ten years __________ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.
①  since
②  before
③  after
④  when
【单选题】 It is said that people can ______ or deposit money from bank through facial recognition, ie, they dont have to use a bank card.
①  snatch
②  rob
③  draw
④  pull
【单选题】 12. I’m very sorry to have _______ you with so many questions on such an occasion.
①  interfered
②  offended
③  impressed
④  bothered
【单选题】 Dont [填空] ladder like that.
①  take
②  takes
③  took
④  taking
【多选题】 下列化合物中含有季碳原子的有( )
①  2-甲基丁烷
②  2,2-二甲基丁烷
③  2,3-二甲基丁烷
④  2,2-二甲基戊烷
⑤  2,4-二甲基戊烷
【单选题】 当某地气温年较差为20℃,地理纬度为30°N时,其大陆度为()k=(1.7⊿t/sinΦ)-20.4
①  1.7
②  47.6
③  19.6
④  20.4
【单选题】 当冷暖气团相遇且势力相当是,形成的锋面称为()
①  冷锋
②  暖锋
③  静止锋
④  锢囚锋
【单选题】 6月22日下列城市中白昼最长的是()。
①  广州
②  北京
③  上海
④  成都
【单选题】 缓行冷锋天气降水区一般出现在()。
①  锋左
②  锋右
③  锋前
④  锋后
【多选题】 《国家气象灾害防御规划》中指出,提高气象灾害监测、预警、评估及其信息发布能力,建设一批对国计民生具有()作用的气象灾害防御工程,减轻各种气象灾害对经济社会发展的影响。
①  基础性
②  公益性
③  全局性
④  关键性
⑤  无偿性
【多选题】 《国务院办公厅关于加强气象灾害监测预警及信息发布工作的意见》的要求在()建设前,要严格按规定开展气候可行性论证,充分考虑气候变化因素,避免、减轻气象灾害的影响。
①  城乡规划编制
②  重大工程项目
③  区域性经济开发项目
④  重要交通枢纽项目
【多选题】 小麦作物生理需水包括()
①  光合作用需水
②  植株体内含水量
③  蒸腾作用耗水
④  土壤蒸发
【多选题】 生态因子依其性质归纳为以下哪几类()?
①  气候因子
②  土壤因子
③  地形因子
④  生物因子
⑤  人为因子
⑥  化学因子
【判断题】 从东方吹来的风称为东风。
①  正确
②  错误