【多选题】 中国古代诚信思想的局限性有()。
①  A.中国古代诚信思想封闭
②  B.中国古代诚信缺乏约束
③  C.中国古代诚信趋向重义轻利
④  D.中国古代诚信关系具有单向性
【多选题】 下列属于中国古代传统管理思想的是()
①  “天不变其常,地不易其则”
②  重人
③  工欲善其事,必先利其器
④  守信
⑤  “和谐”
【判断题】 中国古代诚信思想的现代价值是:诚信是中华民族的传统美德,诚信具有传承性,后人能够以史为鉴。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 中国古代传统的( )与西方的速写表现类似。
①  水墨画
②  山水画
③  白描
④  白描
【多选题】 中国古代用过的历法有( )
①  太初历
②  元和历
③  授时历
④  冲平历
【单选题】 中国古代的儒家文化和道家文化都追求( ),但其主张各自不同。
①  天下太平
②  人天合一
③  以和为贵
【判断题】 稷下学宫是中国古代最早的研究院。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 中国古代所说的《四书》有()
①  A.《大学》
②  B.《论语》
③  C.《中庸》
④  D.《荀子》
【简答题】 中国古代学习思想中的学习原则是什么?
【单选题】 最能体现中国古代保险思想的制度是( )制度。
①  A互助会
②  B 长青会
③  C 长生会
④  D 仓储
【单选题】 Theimprovementsintechnologyhave________thepricesofcomputerconsiderablyinrecentmonths.
①  brought back
②  brought down
③  brought on
④  brought up
【单选题】 Environmentalistsaredoingeverythingwithintheirpowerto_______theimpactoftheoilspill.
①  reject
②  belittle
③  minimize
④  reclaim
【单选题】 He is so kind and easy-going that the kids go _______ him in a big way.
①  for
②  to
③  with
④  off
【单选题】 As National Day is round the corner, Shanghai is ______ a festive atmosphere.
①  looked on
②  involved in
③  bathed in
④  surrounded with
【单选题】 I followed her _______ but I still couldnt work out how to use the sewing machine.
①  description
②  introduction
③  instructions
④  comments
【单选题】 Ididntknowanythingaboutanyofthebookssomychoicewasquite______.
①  arbitrary
②  obvious
③  evident
④  fortunate
【单选题】 —Youshouldhavethankedherbeforesheleft.—Imeant_______,butwhenIwasleavingIcouldntfindheranywhere.
①  to do
②  to
③  doing
④  doing so
【单选题】 Im looking forward as much to her return as she herself to ______ me.
①  have seen
②  seeing
③  meet
④  be met
【单选题】 Doctors have said that as many as 50% of patients dont take medicine ______.
①  like directed
②  to be directed
③  as directed
④  so that directed
【单选题】 —Are you a teacher?—No, but I ________. I worked in a middle school for three years.
①  am
②  will
③  do
④  was