We built the house ______. Nobody helped us.
【单选题】 Nobody knows his _____ for helping us.
①  motive
②  motion
③  mood
④  moral
【单选题】 This hotel _____ us _____ a large house.
①  provides; for
②  offers; to
③  provides; with
④  offers; with
【单选题】 “If we fail to act now,” said Tom, “We’ll find ourselves ____ in action later on.”
①  paid back
②  paid for
③  paid up
④  paid off
【单选题】 “If we fail to act now, “said Tom, “We’ll find ourselves _____in action later on.”
①  paid back
②  paid for
③  paid up
④  paid off
【单选题】 A: If things go on like this, we shall destroy ourselves. B: [填空]
①  Really? Congratulations!
②  Come on. Its not that bad.
③  Yes, you are good at it.
④  Its none of my business.
【单选题】 Reading ____ the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.
①  rectifies
②  prolongs
③  minimizes
④  furnishes
【单选题】 10.We should see ourselves as part of nature rather than in ______ with it.
①  argument
②  connection
③  conflict
④  crash
【单选题】 __________ we may say, he will not not believe us.
①  Whatever
②  Whenever
③  Wherever
④  Whoever
【单选题】 None of us can work out the puzzle, _____ we?
①  can
②  can’ t
③  do
④  don’ t
【单选题】 As it turned out to be a small house party, we___ so formally.
①  need not have dressed up
②  must not have dressed up
③  did not need to dress up
④  must not dress up
【判断题】 电梯安装的分项工程应按行业标准进行质量控制,每个分项工程应有自检记录。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 避雷针是常用的避雷装置,安装时,避雷针宜设独立的接地装置,如果在非高电阻率地区,其接地电阻不宜超过()Ω。
①  10
②  4
③  2
【单选题】 测量接地电阻时,为保证有零电位区间,应使电流回路的两极有足够大的间距,一般为(??)米。?
①  60m?
②  20m
③  40m?
【单选题】 产品是具体的,而品牌是抽象的,它存在于消费者的意识中。 该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 服务品牌是以以下哪项为主要特征的品牌( )
①  服务
②  价格
③  产品
【判断题】 全力维护和宣扬品牌核心价值已成为许多国际一流企业的共识,是创造百年品牌的秘诀。 该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 品牌战略发展的不平衡状态是指从总体上看我国品牌战略发展呈现出地区发展和行业发展的不平衡状态。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 肯定是某些接触促生或者强化了消费者对品牌的印象,肯定是某些重要的接触强化或者削弱了消费者对品牌的偏爱。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 以下哪些不属于快速建立品牌的密道( )
①  并购整合法
②  最佳产品法
③  流程法
④  解决方案法
⑤  空地轰炸法
【单选题】 作为品牌资产的重要组成部分,核心创意一经确定,就应给于悉心的维护,不得随意变更,从而促成和维系品牌的识别。 该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误