- Whats the matter?- Ive got a pain_______ my chest.
【单选题】 A: [填空], Mr. John? You dont look very well. B: Ive had a pain in my chest since this morning.
①  How are you
②  Whats your trouble
③  How are you feeling
④  How are you getting on
【单选题】 A: Ive got a really bad cough. B: [填空]
①  Why are you so careless about yourself?
②  This kind of thing happens to everyone.
③  You should take good care of yourself.
④  Oh, thats too bad. Why dont you take some aspirin?
【单选题】 -Im sorry for breaking the cup.-Oh, ____ . Ive got plenty.
①  forget it
②  my pleasure
③  help yourself
④  try it
【多选题】 Ive learned_____________ from you.
①  several
②  much
③  a lot
④  a great deal
【单选题】 A: Ive got your invitation. B: Oh, good. [填空]
①  Thanks a lot.
②  Ill take it.
③  Can you come?
④  May I help you?
【判断题】 A: Whats your job? B: My job is an accountant.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Whats wrong with you? B: My eyes are painful.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 03. I promised to look_________ the matter as soon as I got there.
①  for
②  in
③  into
④  after
【单选题】 A: Mary, Im very sorry to tell you that I wont be able to come this Friday. B: Whats the matter? [填空].
①  Nothing wrong, I hope
②  Its all right with me
③  Im really sorry for that
④  You can come some other time
【多选题】 When I got my first sight of the garden, its beauty____________took my breath away.
①  near
②  nearly
③  almost
④  hardly
【单选题】 1、划分给—个矿井(或露天矿)开采的那一部分煤田,称为( )
①  井田
②  工作面
③  采空区
④  煤田
【单选题】 32、采煤机日开机率K就是采煤机运转时间占每日时间的百分比,是否正确( )。
①  不正确
②  正确
③  不准确
【单选题】 27、为了防止输送机下滑,煤层倾角大于( )时,安装防滑千斤顶。
①  18°
②  10°
③  12°
【单选题】 16、采煤方法就是( )与采煤工艺的综合及其在时间和空间上的相互配合。
①  采煤系统
②  落煤
③  采空区处理
【单选题】 29、综采适用于,煤层地质条件( )、构造( ),上综采后能很快获得高产、高效。
①  较好、 少
②  较差、 少
③  较好、多
【单选题】 37、( )为采煤工作面长度、区段煤柱宽度及区段上下两平巷宽度之和。
①  工作面走向长度
②  区段垂高
③  区段斜长
【单选题】 64、在采煤工作面的推进方向上,两次放顶煤之间的推进距离称为( )。
①  放顶步距
②  来压步距
③  循环放煤步距
【单选题】 2、在煤矿地下开采中,为了提升、运输、通风、排水、动力供应等需要而开掘的井筒、巷道和硐室总称为( )
①  矿山井巷
②  井田
③  上山
④  大巷
【单选题】 92、当井田储量呈不均匀分布时,井筒应在储量分布的中央,以此形成两翼储量比较均衡的( )井田。
①  双翼
②  单翼
③  上山
【单选题】 91、井筒沿井田走向的有利位置应在井田( )。
①  中央
②  边界
③  储量中心