Get up! Mary. Tom has _____called you three times this morning.
【单选题】 Tom isn’t outgoing. Neither [填空] Mary.
①  does
②  is
③  do
④  did
【单选题】 Tom used to get up late, _____ he?
①  used
②  shouldn’ t
③  did
④  didn’ t
【单选题】 Tom [填空] get up a little earlier tomorrow.
①  needs
②  need
③  need to
④  needs to
【单选题】 Never get off the bus ____it has stopped.
①  if
②  as soon as
③  until
④  or
【判断题】 A: Hi, John. This is my friend, Mary. B: You are good, John.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 After failing the exams three times, Jack realized that he’d never ____in English.
①  see to it
②  attain it
③  catch it
④  make it
【单选题】 —Be sure to get up earlier tomorrow morning. —______ , I’ll be as early as a bird.
①  No, I will
②  Of course not
③  I’m afraid I can
④  OK, I will
【单选题】 Thats pretty good that you get up and go running, but I ______ like running early in the morning since I’ve got to prepare breakfast for my family.
①  have a good time
②  have a hard time
③  have time
④  have much time
【单选题】 _____ you work hard enough _____ you be able to get a PhD degree in three years.
①  Only if, will
②  If only, would
③  Should, will
④  Unless, would
【单选题】 Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _______ and disorder!
①  mess
②  mass
③  guess
④  bus
【判断题】 大面积烧伤的学前儿童若清醒,则会要水喝,此时只能给其喝温热的盐水而不能喝淡水
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 烫伤分为三度,其中二度烫伤表现为()
①  局部皮肤发红,没有水泡
②  局部红肿有水泡
③  损伤皮肤全层,累及肌肉
④  仅表皮受损
【单选题】 6、下列急救中,正确的做法是()
①  一旦发现小儿将异物塞入一侧鼻孔,成人应用手指帮助其挖出
②  儿童发生擦伤后可微其涂红花油,以减少肿胀
③  儿童发生切割伤,止血时可用脱脂棉或手纸
④  大面积烧伤的学前儿童若清醒,则会要水喝,此时只能给其喝温热的盐水而不能喝淡水
【单选题】 动脉出血的临时止血方法是()
①  用拇指压住处血管的上端(近心端)
②  用干净纱布紧压出血处
③  用拇指压迫耳屏前处血管的搏动处
④  用绷带包扎
【单选题】 5、幼儿在饮食中要注意补碘,下列食物中含碘较多的是()
①  海带
②  青菜
③  萝卜
④  海参
【单选题】 佝偻病是由于缺乏()
①  维生素A
②  维生素C
③  维生素D
④  维生素B
【单选题】 维生素B1缺乏会引起()
①  口角炎
②  面部皮肤病
③  脚气病
④  齿龈出血
【单选题】 富含钙的食物是()
①  虾皮
②  猪肝
③  胡萝卜
④  西红柿
【单选题】 维生素C又称坏血酸,主要来源于()
①  新鲜肉类
②  蔬菜
③  干豆
④  内脏
【判断题】 说谎是幼儿常见的心理问题。
①  正确
②  错误