______stole his camera while he is lying on the beach.
No one
【单选题】 22. One day while Mr. King was working, he had a/an ____: his left leg was badly injured.
①  business
②  accident
③  matter
④  event
【单选题】 It was on the beach ______ Miss White found the kid lying dead.
①  that
②  this
③  it
④  which
【单选题】 He’s never again written ____ as his first one.
①  so good a book
②  such good a book
③  such good book
④  so a good book
【单选题】 He said that his sister ?[填空]been there one week before
①  had
②  has
③  have
④  will have
【单选题】 His mother had talked to him for two hours while he was watching TV, but_____.
①  a little did he hear
②  little did he hear
③  little heard he
④  a little heard he
【单选题】 13. His evasive answer is ______to lying.
①  same
②  related
③  equivalent
④  different
【单选题】 The audience waited in _____silence while their aged speaker searched among his note for the figures he could not remember.
①  respective
②  respect
③  respectful
④  respectable
【单选题】 After so many years, he still ____ the hope that his lost son would return one day.
①  clang to
②  clung to
③  inclined to
④  subjected to
【单选题】 Everyone must() his share of the responsibility to protect the environment.
①  assumed
②  assume
③  assuming
④  assumptive
【判断题】 Anyone is likely to commit mistakes, no matter however careful he is.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 配离子在水溶液中的离解程度与配合物在水溶液中的稳定性之间的关系:( )。
①  有一定影响,氮不起决定性作用
②  有很大影响
③  没有关系
④  离解程度就是稳定性
【单选题】 将<img class="kfformula" src="20200623/1592893281553384.png" data-latex="{Na}_{2}{O}_{2}" width="84" height="32"/>投入到<img class="kfformula" src="20200623/1592893281760005.png" data-latex="{FeCI}_{2}" width="69" height="31"/>溶液中,可观察到的现象是()。①生成白色沉淀②生成红褐色沉淀③有气泡产生④溶液变成棕黄色
①  ③④
②  ①②
③  ①②④
④  ②③
【单选题】 地壳中所含质量分数最大的金属元素是()。
①  Fe
②  Si
③  Mg
④  Al
【单选题】 计算1mol<img class="kfformula" src="20200707/1594086051449984.png" data-latex="{N{H}_{4}}^{+}" width="72" height="32"/>的质量是( )g。
①  15
②  7
③  14
④  17
【单选题】 用40gNaOH配成2L溶液,其物质的量浓度( )mol/L。
①  0.5
②  3
③  2
④  1
【单选题】 向含有2mol的<img class="kfformula" src="20200706/1594012760152835.png" data-latex="{CuSO}_{4}" width="76" height="32"/>溶液中加入足量NaOH,可得到<img class="kfformula" src="20200706/1594012760211572.png" data-latex="{Cu(OH)}_{2}" width="91" height="28"/>( )mol。
①  1
②  4
③  2
④  3
【单选题】 已知反应物的总能量低于生成物的总能量,则反应是( )。
①  吸热反应
②  放热反应
③  有催化剂作用
④  无法判断
【单选题】 判断一个反应是否为氧化还原反应的标准是( )。
①  是否为化合反应或分解反应
②  是否为置换反应
③  是否有氧参加反应
④  同一元素的化合价在反应前后是否发生变化
【单选题】 正常人体血液中钾元素的含量应在一定范围内,如果钾元素含量偏低,会影响肌肉和神经的功能,这时就需要补充钾。一种医用补钾化合物的水溶液能跟硝酸银溶液反应生成白色不溶于稀硝酸的沉淀,该化合物是(  )。
①  KOH
②  <img class="kfformula" src="20200628/1593309880503350.png" data-latex="{KNO}_{3}" width="55" height="31"/>
③  KCl
④  <img class="kfformula" src="20200628/1593309880887236.png" data-latex="{K}_{2}{CO}_{3}" width="72" height="28"/>
【单选题】 检验 <img class="kfformula" src="20200628/1593355463567429.png" data-latex="{C1}^{-}" width="51" height="30"/>先加入稀硝酸,再加入硝酸银溶液,则观察到的现象( )。
①  白色沉淀
②  淡黄色沉淀
③  无沉淀
④  黄色沉淀