【单选题】 下列哪项不属于何首乌延缓衰老作用( )
①  延长老年鹌鹑半数死亡时间
②  降低脑组织LPO含量
③  增加培养细胞的传代数
④  降低脑组织SOD活性
⑤  抑制脑内MAO-B活性
【单选题】 脑组织梗死属于( )
①  出血性梗死
②  溶解性坏死
③  脂肪坏死
④  凝固性坏死
⑤  液化性坏死
【单选题】 脑组织所消耗的能量主要来自
①  脂肪
②  血糖
③  氨基酸
④  葡萄糖有氧氧化
⑤  肌酸
【单选题】 脑组织所消耗的能量主要来自
①  脂肪
②  血糖
③  氨基酸
④  葡萄糖有氧氧化
⑤  肌酸
【单选题】 MRI上脑组织的信号为
①  T1WI灰质信号较白质低,T2WI灰质信号较白质高
②  T1WI灰质信号较白质高,T2WI灰质信号较白质低
③  T1WI、T2WI灰质信号均较白质低
④  T1WI、T2WI灰质信号均较白质高
⑤  以上都不是
【判断题】 川贝枇杷糖浆中薄荷脑的含量测定可以用GC法
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 脑组织中的肌酸激酶同工酶是
①  CM-MB
②  CK-MM
③  CK-BB
④  AST
⑤  ALB
【判断题】 在缺血缺氧时,最先受到损害的是脑组织。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 心理只能是脑的功能,脑才是产生心理的器官。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 液质地稠厚,流动性较小,灌注于骨节、脏腑、脑、髓等组织,起濡养作用。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Drive straight ahead, and then you will see a_______to the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway.
①  sign
②  mark
③  signal
④  board
【单选题】 It’s a mistake to think of Florida only __ its tourist attractions.
①  by means of
②  in terms of
③  in connection with
④  by way of
【单选题】 The teacher said ______ wanted to go to the cinema must be there before 6:00.
①  those who
②  that
③  who
④  which
【单选题】 The number of people who ______ cars of their own is increasing.
①  has
②  have
③  there is
④  there are
【单选题】 It took us ______ less than three hours to do the work.
①  no
②  not
③  none
④  nothing
【单选题】 It’s time for Meimei and ______ to the Palace Museum.
①  I going
②  I to go
③  me going
④  me to go
【单选题】 —Excuse me, do you know _______?—Yes. Next Friday.
①  when will the volunteers come back
②  when the volunteers will come back
③  how will the volunteers come back
④  how the volunteers will come back
【单选题】 More and more children are interested in blind boxes _______ they wonder what is inside.
①  so
②  because
③  unless
④  though
【单选题】 The boy was seen ______ the piano at 9 yesterday evening.
①  to play
②  play
③  playing
④  played
【单选题】 I _______ sleep very well, but then I started doing yoga and it really helps.
①  didn’t use to
②  used to
③  was used to
④  wasn’t used to