营血虚滞证者,宜选用( )
【多选题】 归脾汤的功用有( )
①  养心
②  补血
③  益气
④  健脾
【单选题】 四物汤中属于阴柔之品的为( )
①  熟地
②  白芍
③  川芎
④  熟地、白芍
【单选题】 当归四逆汤中通草的作用是( )
①  利水渗湿
②  活血利水
③  通经脉,畅血行
④  清热利水
【多选题】 当归四逆汤中重用大枣的用意有哪些( )
①  助当归、白芍补血
②  补养安神
③  防止桂枝、细辛燥烈伤阴
④  助桂枝、细辛通阳
【单选题】 当归四逆汤所治厥逆的发病机理是( )
①  肝郁气滞
②  肾阳衰微,阴阳之气不相顺接
③  元气大亏,阳气暴脱
④  血虚寒凝,阳气不得温通四末
【多选题】 温脾汤的君药是( )
①  大黄
②  人参
③  芒硝
④  附子
【单选题】 温脾汤的辨证要点是( )
①  腹痛、便秘,手足不温,苔白,脉沉弦
②  腹痛便秘,手足不温,苔白腻,脉弦紧
③  腹痛拒按,便秘,舌燥,苔黄,脉沉有力
④  腹痛便秘,手足厥冷,苔白,脉沉紧
【多选题】 当归在苏子降气汤中的作用是( )
①  养血补肝
②  消肿止痛
③  治“咳逆上气”
④  温补下虚
【多选题】 清营汤中有“透热转气”作用的药物是( )
①  生地
②  银花
③  水牛角
④  银翘
【单选题】 宜煎汤代水的药物是
①  薄荷
②  竹沥
③  茯苓
④  葫芦壳
⑤  白术
【单选题】 Here is a letter_________you.
①  on
②  for
③  in
④  about
【单选题】 The discovery of new oil-fields in various parts of the country filled the government with_____ hope
①  eternal
②  infinite
③  ceaseless
④  everlasting
【单选题】 Are you _____ with my story?
①  boring
②  bored
③  dull
④  tedious
【单选题】 Twelve is to three _____ four is to one..
①  in
②  like
③  as
④  what
【单选题】 I will ________ the tea for you.
①  burn
②  cook
③  make
④  catch
【单选题】 When you have finished with that video tape, don’t forget to put it in my drawer, ---_____?
①  do you?
②  will you
③  can you
④  dont
【单选题】 He teaches____math.
①  us
②  we
③  our
④  ours
【单选题】 I agree with you to a certain _________ but not entirely.
①  part
②  extent
③  level
④  way
【单选题】 There is no enough______ on the corner to put the table
①  room
②  floor
③  space
④  place
【单选题】 A fire broke out at the school but the teacher were able to lead the ___________ children to safety.
①  frightened
②  frightening
③  frighten
④  fright