【多选题】 乌梢蛇酒制后
①  增强祛风通络作用
②  能矫嗅
③  防腐
④  利于服用
⑤  应贮放于石灰缸内或与花椒共贮
【单选题】 酒制药物时,矫嗅去腥的药物为
①  大黄
②  黄连
③  当归
④  川芎
⑤  乌梢蛇
【单选题】 酒制药物时,增强活血通络作用的药物为
①  黄柏
②  川芎
③  紫河车
④  黄连
⑤  蕲蛇
【单选题】 当归酒制后增强了其何种功效
①  补血
②  活血
③  破血
④  润肠通便
⑤  活血补血调经
【单选题】 酒制川芎的作用为
①  能引药上行,增强补血行气止痛作用
②  能引药上行,增强活血行气止痛作用
③  便于切片
④  保存药效
⑤  以上都不是
【多选题】 下列药物中常用酒炙法矫味矫臭的药物是
①  蕲蛇
②  蟾酥
③  蛇蜕
④  乌梢蛇
⑤  地龙
【多选题】 动物药及有不良嗅味的药物,常采用下列那些方法处理,以矫嗅矫味
①  酒制
②  醋制
③  蜜制
④  麸炒
⑤  漂洗
【单选题】 既能养心安神,又能祛风通络的药物是()。
①  远志
②  酸枣仁
③  柏子仁
④  夜交藤
⑤  合欢皮
【单选题】 醋制后缓和辛散、增强疏肝理气止痛作用,并能消积化滞的药物是
①  延胡索
②  香附
③  三棱
④  郁金
⑤  艾叶
【单选题】 炮制后经酒蒸后,泻下作用缓和,腹痛之副作用减轻,并能增强活血祛瘀之功的饮片是( )。
①  清宁片
②  生大黄
③  酒炙大黄
④  熟大黄
⑤  大黄炭
【单选题】 Of these two old people the former has died and the [] is alive and healthy.
①  later
②  latter
【单选题】 He put all his things [] his suitcase.
①  in
②  into
【单选题】 The thunderbolt frightened the sleeping baby. Here thunderbolt takes [] meaning.
①  denotative
②  connotative
【单选题】 The appreciative word is[].
①  tempting
②  charming
③  coquettish
【单选题】 We should bear in [] all these important rules.
①  mind
②  heart
【单选题】 Jack is a big brother in the eyes of his classmates. Here brother takes [] meaning.
①  denotative
②  connotative
【单选题】 I had to [] some money to buy this expensive book.
①  lend
②  borrow
【单选题】 I [] she will recover quickly from her illness.
①  hope
②  wish
【单选题】 The child had difficulty [] his way to school.
①  ascertaining
②  finding
【单选题】 He gave us a []account of all that you had achieved over there.
①  ready
②  bright
③  colorful
④  glowing