常用的精加工策略有( )
【判断题】 划线、记笔记、画关系图都是属于精加工策略。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 8.记忆过程中的精加工策略错误的是?
①  A.位置记忆法
②  B.首字联词法
③  C.画线法
④  D.意义识记
【判断题】 做笔记是组织策略中常用的学习方式。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列选项中,属于精加工策略的是( )。
①  划线
②  列提纲
③  记笔记
④  画关系图
【单选题】 下列选项中,属于精加工策略的是?
①  划线
②  记笔记
③  列提纲
④  画关系图
【多选题】 准备面谈的提问策略有哪些
①  提示性提问
②  重复性提问
③  探究式提问
④  假设式提问
【多选题】 准备面谈的提问策略有哪些
①  封闭式提问
②  是/非式提问
③  引导式提问
④  开放式提问
【多选题】 设计提问语的策略有( )。
①  凸显式
②  启发式
③  设疑想象式
④  对比激思式
【多选题】 设计提问语的策略有( )。
①  A.凸显式
②  B.启发式
③  C.设疑想象式
④  D.对比激思式
【简答题】 精加工策略属于学习策略中的[填空1]。
【单选题】 A: [填空]? B: Its Monday.
①  What day is it
②  Whats the date today
③  Whats the time
④  What time is it
【单选题】 A: I must apologize to you for the delay. B: [填空].
①  Thats all right
②  No trouble at all
③  All the best
④  You are welcome
【单选题】 A: [填空]? B: He teaches maths in a school.
①  What does your brother want to do
②  Who is your brother
③  What is your brother
④  Where is your brother now
【单选题】 A: Im so worried about Mondays exam. B: Dont worry. [填空].
①  Relax
②  Just give up
③  Just be yourself
④  Mind you
【单选题】 A: I havent received the book which I ordered from you last Saturday. B: Please tell me the serial number on your order sheet. [填空].
①  You wont regret
②  Trust me
③  Ill run a check for you
④  I promise
【单选题】 A: [填空]? B: Yes, Id like a gin and tonic and some crisps.
①  What do you want to eat
②  Excuse me, are you ready to order now
③  Excuse me, but whod like to order
④  Have you decided what to have yet
【单选题】 A: Why didnt you come to my party last night? B: Im sorry, [填空]. I had to visit my grandmother at the hospital.
①  I did it
②  I still remember it
③  I will come
④  I couldnt make it
【单选题】 A: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the tube?B: Turn right around the corner and then walk one block up. [填空].
①  You cant miss it
②  Just do that
③  Try that way
④  Sure thing,miss
【单选题】 A: Thank you. Dont trouble yourself. Im not thirsty at all. B: [填空] you wouldnt like a cold beer, or a coke?
①  Can you tell
②  Do you think
③  Do you mean
④  Are you sure
【单选题】 A: I am going to get married, Mark. B: [填空]
①  Youre kidding!
②  Congratulations!
③  Is it a real thing?
④  Good luck!