【单选题】 ( )又被称为相关多样化或集中多样化。这种战略是指以企业现有的设备和技术能力为基础,发展与现有产品或劳务不同的新产品或新业务。
①  一体化战略
②  多样化战略
③  密集型战略
④  渗透战略
【判断题】 企业纵向一体化战略可以分为向前一体化战略和向后一体化战略
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 在相关多样化战略中,范围经济来自于()。
①  技术的匹配性
②  运营的匹配性
③  与销售和顾客相关的匹配性
④  管理的匹配性
⑤  产品的匹配性
【单选题】 ( )不是执行多样化战略的原因。
①  强化整个公司的战略竞争力
②  扩充业务活动以减少管理风险
③  获得与竞争者相关的市场势力
④  提高某个业务单元的不佳经营状况
【多选题】 多样化的战略利益有(?)。
①  实现范围经济
②  分散经营风险
③  增加市场占有率
④  增强竞争力
⑤  产生协同效应
【多选题】 一体化战略的主要类型有( )。
①  横向一体化
②  纵向一体化
③  前向一体化
④  混合一体化
【多选题】 一体化增长战略的类型有(  )。
①  前向一体化
②  后向一体化
③  双向一体化
④  水平一体化
⑤  垂直一体化
【多选题】 一体化战略方式有
①  纵向一体化
②  相关一体化
③  横向一体化
④  交叉一体化
【多选题】 纵向一体化战略的缺点是
①  难以平衡生产能力
②  降低经营灵活性
③  加大管理难度
④  家具财务紧张
【判断题】 企业发展战略一般可以分为:企业购并战略;企业重组战略;战略联盟战略;企业一体化战略
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 一体化战略的类 型主要有 ?
①  横 向一体化
②  纵向一体化
③  . 向前一体 化
④  向后 一体化
⑤  . 混合一体 化
【单选题】 A: Im having a barbecue next Saturday. [填空]. B: Sure. That would be wonderful. What time?
①  I have invited some of my friends to come
②  Will you be free at that time?
③  Im looking forward to it
④  I was wondering if youd like to come
【单选题】 A: Ive got your invitation. B: Oh, good. [填空]
①  Thanks a lot.
②  Ill take it.
③  Can you come?
④  May I help you?
【单选题】 A: Would you mind if I turned the radio off? B: [填空].
①  Yes, please
②  No, go right ahead
③  Yes, thats all right
④  No, thank you
【单选题】 A: Would you like some wine? B: Yes, just [填空].
①  little
②  very little
③  a little
④  little bit
【单选题】 A: Would you like another cup of tea? B: Ive enough. [填空].
①  I would eat anything
②  Thank you by the way
③  Thank you all the same
④  No, anything will do
【单选题】 A: How far is the airport from here? B: [填空].
①  You can take a taxi
②  Ill fly to Paris
③  Its only six hundred dollars
④  Its about thirty miles
【单选题】 A: Excuse me, how much is the dress? B: Its €100. [填空]
①  Which do you prefer?
②  Oh, no. Thats OK!
③  How do you like it?
④  Would you like to try it on?
【单选题】 A: Bring me the bill, please. B: [填空].
①  You are welcome
②  Ill hurry up
③  Please wait for a moment, sir
④  Be quick
【单选题】 A: We are going to have a housewarming party tonight. Would you like to join us? B: [填空].
①  I have no idea.
②  Im afraid not, because I have to visit my parents
③  No, I cant.
④  Thats all set
【单选题】 A: Excuse me, [填空]? B: Certainly, Walk three blocks along this street, and then turn left. Walk another block, and youll find the cinema across the street. You cant miss it.
①  but will you please tell me where you live
②  but can you help me with the bag
③  but would you tell me how to find the cinema
④  but can you tell me the way to the cinema