下列哪一菜肴是官府菜中的孔府菜( )
【单选题】 下列哪一菜肴是官府菜中的孔府菜( )
①  诗礼银杏
②  回锅肉
③  清蒸石斑鱼
④  铁板毛豆腐
【判断题】 曲阜的孔府菜是我国最大、最精湛的官府菜。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列不是官府菜的是
①  孔府菜
②  东坡菜
③  谭家菜
④  皇家菜
【多选题】 下列属于官府菜的有( )。
①  孔府菜
②  红楼菜
③  随园菜
④  谭家菜
【多选题】 下列属于孔府菜的是( )。
①  诗礼银杏
②  八仙过海:鲁菜
③  怀抱鲤鱼:鲁菜
④  一品锅
【多选题】 孔府菜代表名菜有( )。
①  诗礼银杏
②  八仙过海
③  一品锅
④  怀抱鲤鱼
【单选题】 ( )菜是我国最著名、最典型的官府名菜。
①  孔府菜
②  谭家菜
③  随园菜
④  红楼菜
【多选题】 皖菜的代表菜肴有( )。
①  红烧果子狸
②  无为熏鸡
③  火腿炖甲鱼
④  毛峰熏鲥鱼
【判断题】 西湖醋鱼是浙菜的代表菜肴。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 中国菜肴历来以味闻名于世,百菜百味,一菜一格,是中餐的特点。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 He __________ to arrange a loan through a finance company.
①  tried
②  succeeded
③  managed
④  endeavored
【单选题】 The concert usually takes place at the People’s Square, with the audience __________on the groun@@
①  seating
②  seated
③  be seating
④  to seat
【单选题】 Big changes have taken place at Marketing Department the new manager came.
①  before
②  after
③  since
④  while
【单选题】 The government official explained that there’s no point ___________ about the cultural gap in that city.
①  to worry
②  with them worrying
③  in worrying
④  worry
【单选题】 I leave it to your own judgement you should do it.
①  that
②  which
③  whether
④  What
【单选题】 _________ such a good chance he planned to learn more.
①  giving
②  Having given
③  Having been given
④  To be given
【单选题】 The room has no furniture -----a broken chair.
①  beside
②  except for
③  expect
④  except that
【单选题】 Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?
①  Sorry, he is busy at the moment
②  No, you can’t
③  Sorry, you can’t
④  I don’t know
【单选题】 Can you turn down the radio, please?
①  Oh, I know
②  I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loud
③  I’ll keep it down next time
④  Please forgive me
【单选题】 A suitcase with shirt, trousers and shoes __________ stolen from the car.
①  have been
②  has
③  was
④  are