It’s ( )to arrive at 5:30 pm local time…
to scheduled
【单选题】 I give you my word that the books wil arrive [填空]time.
①  on
②  for
③  at
④  in
【单选题】 Hardy’s local-colored works are known as “novels of character and _____.”
①  personality
②  nature
③  domestic life
④  environment
【单选题】 It’s time for Meimei and ______ to the Palace Museum.
①  I going
②  I to go
③  me going
④  me to go
【单选题】 It’s hot now. It’s time to ___your warm clothes in the wardrobe.
①  put on
②  put away
③  take off
④  give back
【单选题】 19.It’s time he_____ a good rest.
①  has
②  will have
③  had
④  must have
【单选题】 It’s sunny today. It has stopped ______ for a long time.
①  raining
②  to rain
【单选题】 Tom: It’s the most delicious fruit I have had a long time.
①  I’m so glad you like it.
②  You are not hungry now.
③  I like eating this fruit, too.
④  You should like it.
【单选题】 Don’t hesitate ______ for help if you have any problem meeting the schedule.
①  to ask
②  asked
③  asking
④  to be asked
【单选题】 Let’s get through the work quickly.----seems to be little time left now.
①  It
②  There
③  That
④  We
【单选题】 5. ____ the bad storm Tom delivered the newspapers on time.
①  In favor of
②  In spite of
③  In front of
④  In charge of
【判断题】 Photoshop中HS错误模式中H、S、错误分别代表色相、饱和度和明度。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Photoshop中(背景像皮擦工具)不受图层调板上锁定透明的影响,使用完背景像皮擦工具后,原来的背景图像自动转化为普通图层。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Photoshop中使用喷笔工具可产生喷绘作用,喷出的颜色为工具箱中的背景色。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Photoshop中CMYK模式下的通道有4个色彩通道。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 将图像图标拖放到Photoshop 软件图标上可打开该文件
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在PhotoShop里,路径不可以转化成选区。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 位图也叫栅格图像,是由很多个矩形块(像素)组成。位图的每个像素点都含有各自的位置和颜色信息。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 PSD是Photoshop的专用格式,该格式保存了图片的图层信息,适合于编辑。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Photoshop中“滤镜-渲染-3D 变换”命令无法在没有任何像素的图层中运行。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 如果图像是Photoshop 软件创建的,直接双击图像图标可打开该文件
①  正确
②  错误