Do you have any luggage to ( )
check in
check out
【单选题】 A: Do you have any check-in luggage? B: [填空]. Theyre heavy. I hope theyre not overweight. A: Theyre just under the maximum weight.
①  Yes, Ill show you
②  Yes, two pieces
③  Yes, there you are
④  Yes, not many
【单选题】 If you check the route to your ____before starting off, you will save much trouble.
①  aim
②  purpose
③  destination
④  determination
【单选题】 Sometimes a bus _____gets on the bus to check the tickets.
①  agent
②  officer
③  conductor
④  inspector
【单选题】 We feel it is high time that the Government ____ something to check the inflation.
①  did
②  do
③  should do
④  would do
【单选题】 We feel it is high time that the Government _____something to check the inflation.
①  did
②  do
③  should do
④  would do
【单选题】 — Could I make an appointment with Dr. Zhang to check my teeth tomorrow morning?— .
①  Certainly!
②  No, you cannot.
③  He isn’t in.
④  ok
【单选题】 -May I help you?-___. Do you have any apple juice?
①  Sure
②  Thank you
③  No, thanks
④  I don’t think so
【判断题】 Do you have any clothes washed today? The maid asked.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Do you have any children? B: Yes, a boy and a girl.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Quizzes are part of the lecture program to keep students engaged and keep them _________, for students to be able to check that they understood what was covered.
①  thinking
②  think a lot
③  to think
④  thought
【多选题】 井巷施工过程中出现瓦斯煤尘(突出)事故,防治对策有( )
①  A监测
②  B加强通风
③  C监控
④  D支护
【单选题】 室内供暖管道施工技术要求包括()
①  A方形补偿器应垂直安装
②  B方形补偿器臂长方向水平安装必须设排气及泄水装置
③  C上供下回式系统的热水干管变径应顶平偏心连接
④  D蒸汽干管变径采用同心异径管
【单选题】 由于空间高度较高,采用自动喷水灭火系统难以有效探测、扑灭及控制火灾的大空间场所,宜设置()
①  A预作用系统
②  B智能消防水炮灭火系统
③  C高压细水雾灭火系统
④  D气体灭火系统
【单选题】 起重工程中,钢丝绳一般由()钢丝捻绕而成
①  A.低碳钢
②  B.中碳钢
③  C.高碳钢
④  D.合金钢
【单选题】 经返工重做或更换器具、设备的检验批,应()
①  A.重新进行验收
②  B.严格进行检查
③  C.在竣工图再绘
④  D.有质量事故记录
【单选题】 “一通三防”指的是( )
①  A.通风、防瓦斯、防煤尘、防灭火
②  B.通风、防瓦斯、防顶板、防水害
③  C.通风、防火灾、防瓦斯、防水害
④  D.通风、防火灾、防瓦斯、防虫害
【单选题】 ( )不是矿井水灾的主要类型。
①  A.透水
②  B.积水
③  C.突水
④  D.涌水
【判断题】 在风力大于三级、酷暑、雾天或雨天环境下,不宜进行室外喷涂施工
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 砌筑炉底前,应预先找平基础。必要时,应在最下一层用砖加工找平。砌筑反拱底前,应用样板找准砌筑弧形拱的基面;斜坡炉底应放线砌筑
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 安装拼装的圆形工作台,应检查工作台面的端面跳动和径向跳动
①  正确
②  错误