Some people without experience in traveling may feel disappointment during the traveling.
【单选题】 The train______she was traveling was five minutes late.
①  that
②  which
③  on that
④  on which
【单选题】 Some handicapped people may be ______ to go out at all and a visitor is more than welcome.
①  able
②  unable
③  disable
④  disabled
【单选题】 Kingsley took a lot of ______________ with her while traveling because she was doing scientific research on fish.
①  furniture
②  equipment
③  information
④  education
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”Her father spent most of his time traveling in far-off countries, and he hardly ever came home.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 When traveling, you are advised to take travelers’ checks, which provide a secure _____ tocarrying your money in cash.
①  preference
②  selection
③  choice
④  alternative
【单选题】 I hear that your company always take _______ children for survival experience during the vacation.
①  on
②  over
③  after
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”Some people wake up at almost same time every morning.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 There can be no ( ) understanding without communication between people.
①  mutually
②  mutuality
③  mutual
④  mutualism
【判断题】 The police warned people to be on guard against burglary during the festival.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 It is ____for people to feel excited when they start doing something new.
①  normal
②  ordinary
③  average
④  regular
【简答题】 什么是遗传素质?
【简答题】 什么是学前儿童心理学?
【简答题】 什么是年龄特征 ?
【简答题】 什么是生理成熟?
【简答题】 什么是敏感期?
【简答题】 学前儿童心理发展的总趋势表现在哪些方面?并作简要说明。
【简答题】 什么是发展的连续性?
【单选题】 教育学真正成为一门学科,标志性的事件是 的出版。
①  普通教育学
②  大教学论
③  教育漫话
④  民主主义与教育
【单选题】 近代最早的一部对后世有深远影响的教育学著作是
①  学记
②  论语
③  教育漫话
④  大教学论
【单选题】 被誉为世界上最早的教育专著是
①  大学
③  学记
④  礼记