Could you make sure that the rooms at situated at the back of the hotel, not as the rooms they were given last years , ( ) the main road, and rather noisy?
【单选题】 An ( ) provides hotel rooms with fully-equipped kitchens.
①  inn
②  business
③  casino
④  apartment hotel
【单选题】 There were two small rooms in the house, _______ served as a bathroom.
①  the smaller of which
②  the smallest of which
③  the smallest of them
④  smallest of that
【单选题】 There were two small rooms in the house, _______ served as a bathroom.
①  the smallest of which
②  the smallest of them
③  the smaller of which
④  smallest of that
【多选题】 A: Hey, taxi! Could you take me to the Friendship Hotel?B: _______________ .
①  Sure
②  Certainly
③  Of course
④  Here you are
【单选题】 Could you make an appointment with Doctor Wilson for me?____________
①  I cannot do it for you.
②  Im afraid all the appointments are filled.
③  You can have it.
④  Can I help you?
【单选题】 A: Were you at home last night? B: [填空].
①  Certainly
②  Certainly I was
③  Sure I was
④  O.K
【判断题】 A: Could you show me your passport? B: Sure.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 He also checks daily ( ) in the rooms and necessary supplies
①  articles
②  items
③  things
④  matters
【单选题】 You never told us why you were one hour late for the last meeting, ____?
①  weren’t you
②  didn’t you
③  have you
④  did you
【单选题】 It is a huge task to ______ all the rooms in the building in such a short time.
①  go ahead with
②  keep up
③  clean up
④  work out
【多选题】 婴幼儿疾病防治方面应注意的事项有
①  定期检测生长发育状况
②  定期到医院体检
③  按时预防接种
④  尽早到户外活动
【多选题】 孤独症儿童的特征有
①  兴趣范围狭窄
②  语言发育迟缓
③  刻板的行为模式
④  不主动与他人交流
【多选题】 让孩子做家务可以培养孩子的
①  生活自理能力
②  自制能力
③  动手能力
④  解决问题的能力
【多选题】 3-6岁儿童家庭与幼儿园合作教育的内容有
①  生命教育
②  教学活动合作
③  管理合作
④  研究合作
【多选题】 培养3-6岁儿童良好习惯应注重
①  开展亲子体育游戏
②  细致入微、教给方法
③  增强教育过程的趣味性
④  及时鼓励、强化良好行为
【多选题】 以家长为核心的亲职教育主要包括
①  让家长了解幼教工作
②  让家长了解幼儿身心发展规律
③  提高家长的教育能力
④  帮助家长创设良好的家庭教育环境
【多选题】 以下属于家长参与的家外事物的有
①  负责孩子幼儿园接送
②  参加幼儿园家长会
③  协助子女完成幼儿园布置的任务
④  为孩子提供营养的三餐
【多选题】 5-6岁儿童心理发展的特点有
①  抽象思维开始萌芽
②  好学、好问、好动脑
③  语言的社会化水平提高
④  自我调节能力逐步增强
【多选题】 0-3岁儿童家园沟通信息的方法有
①  多媒体沟通法
②  问卷调查法
③  家访法
④  宣传法
【多选题】 截肢儿童的家庭教育指导应注意
①  培养良好的行为习惯
②  注意孩子日常生活能力的培养
③  尽量送孩子到普通学校学习
④  关注孩子的特殊需要