Japanese currency is called ( )
Japanese Yen
Japanese Won
Japanese Yuan
Japanese dollar
【单选题】 There[] a Japanese and two Koreans in his class.
①  is
②  are
【单选题】 I think science is ______ than Japanese.
①  much important
②  important
③  much more important
④  more much important
【单选题】 6. I think science is ____than Japanese.
①  much important
②  important
③  much more important
④  more much important
【判断题】 Qipao is one of the most typical traditional costume for Japanese women
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The Anti ---Japanese War____ in 1937 and it ____ eight years.
①  break out; last
②  was broken out; lasted
③  broke out; last
④  broke out; lasted
【单选题】 The cruelty of the Germans towards the Jews and ______ of the Japanese towards their prisoners, filled _____ with horror.
①  those; someone
②  that; everyone
③  no one
④  this; anyone
【单选题】 27. A lot of Japanese students of English have difficult ________ the pronunciation of “b”s and “v”s.
①  to
②  in
③  for
④  with
【单选题】 I’m interested in one-week Japanese package tour. 下列翻译正确的是?
①  我对为期一周的赴日本跟团旅行很有兴趣
②  我对为期一周的赴日本包价团很有兴趣
③  我对为期一周的赴日本包价团很熟悉
④  我对为期一周的赴日本跟团旅行很熟悉
【判断题】 One dollar bill is often called “a dollar ” or “a buck”
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 People who try to bring contraband items into a country or ( ) try to Hide things so that they won’t have to pay duty are called “smuggler”
①  who
②  when
③  where
④  how
【判断题】 构成原子核的微粒中都含有中子。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在液态HCl中,分子间作用力主要是
①  取向力
②  诱导力
③  色散力
④  氢键
【判断题】 决定共价键极性强弱的主要因素是成键原子间电负性差。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 某物质中只含一种元素,该物质一定是纯净物。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 由诱导偶极产生的分子间力属于离子键。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 任何原子或离子的组成中都含有质子。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 金刚石和石墨的性质相同。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列分子中偶极矩最大的是
①  HCl
②  HI
③  HBr
④  HF。
【单选题】 下列各化合物的分子间,氢键作用最强的是
①  NH3
②  H2S
③  HCl
④  HF
【单选题】 下列说法错误的是
①  非金属两原子间不可能形成离子键
②  非金属元素不可能形成离子化合物
③  含有非极性键的分子,不一定是共价化合物
④  离子化合物中一定不含共价键